

Senior Member
@Co0ter thoughts on his performance yesterday?

Are people in Portugal turning on him yet?
As much as I think he is a manchild, people should be angry at the manager for letting said manchild be the focal point of an otherwise really talented team.
He is not 25 but doesn't seem to want to come to terms with that. the manager should though.
Don't let him take free kicks.
Don't use for 120 minutes.
Don't be afraid to sub off to try a other plan.


Senior Member
Also interested in hearing opinion from real Portuguese like @Co0ter rather than made up Portuguese like Fati.
@Co0ter thoughts on his performance yesterday?

Are people in Portugal turning on him yet?
Just to be clear, I'm first generation American but my family on both sides have a long Portuguese lineage. The area I live in has Portuguese everywhere, the restaurants and footy clubs are :rockon:

With that said, @JohnN is entirely correct. Ronaldo is delusional and the coach is doing what's best for Ronaldo, not for the Portuguese national team. The guy can still play for his age, but how a coach can castrate the rest of a very talented team just to funnel play to a past-it crybaby is beyond me. I personally find him beyond cringe but can't deny that he is one of the best players ever. I believe the team is more versatile and balanced without him though. When Ronaldo isn't scoring, he's doing fuck all. At least when Messi isn't scoring, he's creating and still attracting double if not triple coverage.

My family in Portugal mostly worship him still, but the level-headed ones admit the team plays better without him.


Well-known member
The thing is, and putting aside all my hatred for him.

It has become pathetic now. He's been one of the best players in the world, but knowing when your time is up is such a great quality. He could have retired a few years ago and been remembered better as a player. Now he's becoming a meme and a laughing stock and many members of the younger generation will remember him as an old man who was past it (YouTube videos aside).

Modric and Lewandowski have been top players too, and they both know when they need to behave like captains, but also step back because they're getting old. Sometimes the younger legs need to have a go. Ronaldo is being very selfish and he's actually ruining the prime of guys like Fernandes and Silva. I mean Fernandes was poor last night but he's at his peak really and probably wants to win a tournament, and Ronaldo is making that harder for him (not that Fernandes will likely see it that way).

He's already won this trophy so he should just give up. I feel he's still going to be playing at the World Cup aged 41, and still fucking up Portugal. The guy is clearly terrified of retiring.


Senior Member
Yeah, it was a sad performance even if you aren't a fan.
I don't blame him, when you are such a legend, nothing you can do can take anything from your legacy.
Portugal lacks a number 9 is a problem, Ramos is shit. I can get Martinez playing him, or even starting him, but it should have never been for 120 minutes.

Don Juan Laporta Estruch

Well-known member
It must be so easy being Ronaldo. If you play terribly and score that penalty, the whole world would still blow smoke up your ass and you can disrespect your opponent and go around with a big ego telling the world how great you are.

If, on the miniscule occasion, you miss the penalty as well as having a stinker, all you need to do is pull some ' act ' in order to garner a positive result anyway. That act yesterday was the crying.

Now I'm not saying he wasn't genuinely crying. I'm saying that that act has resulted in everybody feeling sorry for him and praising him for his ' amazing passion '. He is even getting praised for his humility, even though he hardly had a choice when humble pie was forced down him with such a performance.

Hence, the pantomime. Give the worshipping crowd an ACT to worship. If you can't do that with your football, create another ACT. It is akin to that person we all know in real life, who acts terribly all the time, but when they are called out for their behaviour, they use emotional blackmail by turning on the water works.

Despite this state of affairs, him and his fans actually see him as a victim and hard done by. IT IS SO SO EASY TO BE RONALDO.


Well-known member
It must be so easy being Ronaldo. If you play terribly and score that penalty, the whole world would still blow smoke up your ass and you can disrespect your opponent and go around with a big ego telling the world how great you are.

If, on the miniscule occasion, you miss the penalty as well as having a stinker, all you need to do is pull some ' act ' in order to garner a positive result anyway. That act yesterday was the crying.

Now I'm not saying he wasn't genuinely crying. I'm saying that that act has resulted in everybody feeling sorry for him and praising him for his ' amazing passion '. He is even getting praised for his humility, even though he hardly had a choice when humble pie was forced down him with such a performance.

Hence, the pantomime. Give the worshipping crowd an ACT to worship. If you can't do that with your football, create another ACT. It is akin to that person we all know in real life, who acts terribly all the time, but when they are called out for their behaviour, they use emotional blackmail by turning on the water works.

Despite this state of affairs, him and his fans actually see him as a victim and hard done by. IT IS SO SO EASY TO BE RONALDO.
This guy has some sort of voodoo going on. How can he be being praised for his 'humility' after THE ANTICS he pulled last night? That's absolutely insane. Nobody else got anywhere near a FK and he was trying to make it all about him.

And like you say, he has the easiest job in football - he consistently in his prime got ten chances a game, and just had to score one of them, or score one of the many penalties he received, and it is painted as a brilliant performance no matter how generally invisible he was in the rest of the game.

They do see him as a victim. See the deluded posts on here about how everyone is against him. I mean, really lol? I have never seen someone arse-licked so much for so little. He still gets compared to Messi and Maradona, even though he is CLEARLY not even on the same planet as them in terms of talent and very rarely puts in a fantastic all-round performance outside of goals.

They're even still wanking over him on BBC after that state of a performance. Hopefully France end this farce on Friday and the clown fucks off finally.

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