Cristian Tello


New member
This boy plays what Cruyff calls" the difficult Simple football". He was taught that the shortest way between 2 points is the straight one !


Professor Balthazar
Way too one dimensional to play CF, IMO. Sanchez should play CF if Messi is rested.

I actually like Sanchez, one of few on this forum - but let's be honest, scoring goals is not one of his biggest qualities...

Witch that said, I actually think Tello could play in the middle - but as false 9, further up the pitch with Cesc behind him playing hybrid false 9 and attacking cm.
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Best midfielder around
I actually like Sanchez, one of few on this forum - but let's be honest, scoring goals is not one of his biggest qualities...
I agree, but I don't see anyone else that could play CF if Messi is rested. Neymar could, but he's not better than Sanchez in that CF role.

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