Cristiano Ronaldo - v1


Now that Mou is gone to Chelsea I feel really bad for them :lol: They're gonna have to put up with crap like that for a while.
Ronaldo did really well though. Rather than responding to Mou's stupid comments (which are now interpreted by himself as harmless saying he only said the real Ronaldo because he was the first - bs, Mou, everyone knows what you meant), he let his football do the talking and made Mou look like a fool.
well played, Ronaldo, well played :coffee:


Mou is a clown. The only people that care about his outdated mindgames are the fans of his current club. When he was at Inter all Inter fans were like "lololol funny" then they moved on to: Mou is such a kid. I reckon it'll be the same with Madrid fans. Stupid comments about Ronaldo.. I can imagine that a big chunk of the Chelsea fans thought it was awesome. His statements aren't even clever they're just annoying. He's made them so often that they've become fiddly.


Yep, I'm the living proof of that. I liked Mou a lot up until last Nov/Dec when he benched Iker for Adan. That's when it got serious. You don't bench Casillas, not for Adan.
I even thought the eye poke was funny, but I wasn't a fan back then, so it doesn't really count :D


Active member
Yep, I'm the living proof of that. I liked Mou a lot up until last Nov/Dec when he benched Iker for Adan. That's when it got serious. You don't bench Casillas, not for Adan.
I even thought the eye poke was funny, but I wasn't a fan back then, so it doesn't really count :D
Based on what kind of performances Casillas brought last seasons,he wasn't convincing.And because he was injured,Real brought Lopez that really had an exceptional season.I don't care about Adan but even if Casillas was back earlier,you couldn't bench Lopez just because Casillas is the captain and all that..a place in the team should be based on someone's perfromances and not name and reputation.
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I agree. But you can't bench Casillas for Adan. It's ludicrous. Adan on his best day is still below Iker when he's playing like shit.
Lopez on the other hand was a good signing. Trust me, we're happy we have Lopez. I just wish Mou had given Iker a chance to prove himself after the injury. There were matches where Lopez could have been spared.
Like the last Liga match or something like that. Anything really. But he was completely frozen out.

El Gato

I swear these Manc fans are so hopeless. I can't go a month without receiving a text from my United fan friend asking what do I reckon about the chances of CR coming back to his original club that he loves, the one, the only, managed by David "I can't buy anyone I want" Moyes Manchester United :lol:


Lol Ronaldo should have done that performance against Pathetico in the Copa. Preseason lol.


Last year was just really, really bad. The players did their best in the final but it wasn't meant to be.
We're gonna beat Atletico next time we play them, don't you worry. And if it happens to be a final, no player will let history repeat itself. Especially not Ronaldo.


Stuff like that happens. Players get frustrated, especially after the season we've had.
I don't think you'll see anything similar to last season this year. We have a classy coach, the players are getting along better and overall it's a more relaxed atmosphere.
I do worry that with the rotation that Carlo will practice there might be some discontent, especially after Bale's arrival, but I'm hoping he's smart enough not to lie to the players as Mou did with Benz and Higgy for instance.

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