Cristiano Ronaldo - v1


New member
He has more often than not performed well whenever he played. He doesn't get much playing time, though. He doesn't have many assists to show for it as he is usually not the one to provide the final pass, but when playing next to Alonso/Khedira he is the starting point and architect of nearly every attack.


New member
Kaka also. The fact that both of them don't get as much playing time as Ozil does doesn't mean that they're not (good) playmakers. And I must say that Modrić has been getting very few minutes considering how well he compares to Khedira, often even Ozil. It's a shame he doesn't play more.


Simple, Modric doesn’t get enough playing time because he isn’t a direct replacement for neither Alonso nor Khedira. He can’t control a match like Alonso or cover the defense, especially when we have Marcelo/Coentrao bombing forward. And he doesn’t have Khedira’s energy or workrate. You saw what happened in the match against Borussia, when Khedira went off injured in the opening 20 minutes, forcing Mou to play with a Modric – Alonso midfield. The problem was, even though Modric is much more creative than Khedira, he doesn’t have his physique or workrate. Khedira is much underrated in that regard. He’s essentially what connects the defense and offense, and his power helps against teams with superior midfielders like Barca. Dortmund was running rings around Alonso and Khedira.

That’s the reason why Modric isn’t playing as much as he’d like, and also why Sahin was out of favor, alongside his injuries. He can play in Ozil’s role as a #10, but then Ozil is much better than him when on form. He'd fit more in a 3 man midfield alongside Alonso and Khedira/Essien, which Jose did do a couple of times already. It should, theoretically, be perfect because he can play in midfield and as a trequartista when needed.
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New member
Good point. Obviously Modrić and Khedira are not the same type of player. Depending on what is needed in the match, either can bring something different to the table. And now that you say that, it makes more sense how it worked so well with him playing next to Khedira with Alonso on the bench. I do believe he has the quality to take Alonso's place when needed and when Alonso retires.


ive been impressed every time ive seen modric play so far. i don't know if its because ozil has, by comparison, been so poor, or because he really is effective.


Dr. Raed St. Claire
He has been hot and cold, far from sharp, but you can see the talent and the potential I just don't know if he will get there. I don't know, for some reason I am not very convinced but I feel he suffers from a similar mental issue as Alexis. Both came into the team hungry and wanting to do everything and do it right that they get ahead of themselves. Modric loses the ball a lot and he must be patient and watch out for that.


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