Cristiano Ronaldo - v1


New member
I'm confused. He's gotten better? Really? That weird "sadness" story? His "Injusticia" antics? His condescending "calma" celebration to opponent's fans? Publicly dissing Messi's Copa America performances? His "too much humility is vanity" comments? "I give myself a 10 out of 10 and the team 9 out of 10"? How has he become better? Even Casillas hates his guts, voting for Ramos for the Ballon d'Or, hence not backing Ronaldo. Not celebrating his goals. Which is why he's getting punished by Mourinho now.

This. People seem to forget things too quickly. I doubt he has changed. He's trying to change his image, because he thinks that's what is keeping him from getting the balon dor. Besides all that Ursegor mentioned, he gave up portugal captancy for a month again, so bruno alves could vote for him. I cannot respect someone who does that.


You don't overwrite a lifetime of being a douchebag by not being a douchebag (publicly) for 2 weeks or whatever. He's still the same arrogant prick he always was.

Deco 20

Scandinavian 101
He probably meant that Kaka hasn't accomplished as much in his carreer as some of the players that haven't won it


New member
Yep. But i probably shouldn't have included him. His palmares is quite impressive afterall. It's just that he hasn't been much of a factor since his transfer to Madrid. But it has a lot do with injuries.

El Gato

Which is completely irrelevant when it comes to a Ballon D'Or award. You can be butthurt about these guys winning it instead of your sacred field generals, but don't all of sudden make it a career merit award just because it suits your point.


New member
It's not a career award but you can still look at the list years later and think: "wow, can you believe this guy was once considered to be the best player in the world..." (over a whole year).

El Gato

Every football fan that respects his dignity does not take awarding a trophy as a grant of the winner actually fulfilling everything that would be expected of him in order to deserve it. In more blunt terms - Owen won it, do you really think he will be put on the same shelf as Kaka, Ronaldinho or better than Xavi for the years to come?

Yugo Count Dante

New member
Every football fan that respects his dignity does not take awarding a trophy as a grant of the winner actually fulfilling everything that would be expected of him in order to deserve it. In more blunt terms - Owen won it, do you really think he will be put on the same shelf as Kaka, Ronaldinho or better than Xavi for the years to come?

Besides people should not wind up if somebody doesn't value a player the same way they do.

The fact player-X is the best does not mean your favorite player can't be player-Y.


Which is completely irrelevant when it comes to a Ballon D'Or award. You can be butthurt about these guys winning it instead of your sacred field generals, but don't all of sudden make it a career merit award just because it suits your point.
Maybe Ballon d'Or should take example from the Oscar's, which gives lifetime achievement awards for careers?

Xavi would then be like Ennio Morricone of football. :worthy:


New member
To be very honest, I feel Ronaldo should have won the award this year. I really don't want to go on about his attitude, as people have mentioned enough of it, But I rate him as a Player solely on what he does on the pitch, and in all honestly he's not much behind Messi. This year was probably the best chance he could have had to win the award, won the league with Madrid and did well in the Euros, i don't think he's going to have a better shot at it in the foreseeable future(i.e if he's sticking with Madrid).

20 years from now, people would see it as, 4 awards for Messi(probably even more) and only 1 for Ronaldo, Which obviously does not justify to the sort of player he is. He may not be as good a player as Messi is, but neither is he Light years behind him as the awards would suggest.

Messi has many years ahead of him and is more than likely to win it again. Ronaldo obviously is not getting any younger, and i think we are all lucky enough to witness these two in our era. I just feel it's not fair for player when he ends his career winning only 1 Ballon d'or. Even Owen has one to his name, wouldn't put him in the same class would you.

I must disagree, away from bias i too believe that Off the pitch personality is as important as looks or race when judging how a player performed ( obviously zero importance ), but many captains, coaches and world journalists that vote are certainly effected by how humble and kind of a nicer (not angelic as some boast) guy Messi is to Ronaldo, but even thought its hard to calculate this, lets leave that aside and just talk both of them 2012, not the teams just Individually, the stats are there for anyone to see, and then theres the more opinion oriented half which is... who you think dazzled more, more "wow" effect!

If the criteria is "won the league with Madrid" there are 20 something other players who did this, yes he was key but still probably played a less perfect League season to Messi's La Liga season where he was chosen La Liga player of the year. (Rightfully imo) As for Euro's well, if the more we weight in Euro's on the Ballon d'or the more Iniesta would be deserving of it in that case, follwed closely by Pirlo then maybe Iker and balloteli or Pique.. but CR7 had his ups and downs there, if we agree that he was overall 7.5/10 in Euro's (for example), i really believe that had he been a 6/10 BUT was on the Portuguese team that beat Spain in semi's, then Italy in the Final to become champions he would have been crowned Fifa player of the year... its shallow but thats how it is...

Personally I think CR7 winning a Ballon d'or already is a great feat him and his fans should be grateful for (maybe he can still pick up one anyways, still relatively young), the ones i'm disturbed for are Xavi and Iniesta Who like Henry, Batistuta or Oliver Kahn gave so much to this sport, reached the Podium of top 3 fifa player of the year or Ballon d'or... and never picked it up!
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New member
Iniesta is 2 steps ahead of Ronaldo...So stop abusing my brain with messi ronaldo being closely matched its getting tyring and just proves people who try to put 2 in the same sentance dont watch barcelona or football at all.....Just shows you 80 percent of the world is filled with ignorant people who think they know everything the best....FFS
My people on our portals are still not sure who is the best,but they wathced neither Ronaldo (the gelly one ) and Messi,and their main argument after all those years is messi has xavi and iniesta and ronaldo is carrying the team alone...It made me want to bomb my country and not to feel sorry,people are not getting smarter here ,sadly...I am still pissed when i remember todays comments...


New member
This. People seem to forget things too quickly. I doubt he has changed. He's trying to change his image, because he thinks that's what is keeping him from getting the balon dor. Besides all that Ursegor mentioned, he gave up portugal captancy for a month again, so bruno alves could vote for him. I cannot respect someone who does that.

I was shocked to see this happening. So mature by Ronaldo to let someone vote for him just so he can get another first place vote. Its no wonder Iker voted Ramos. What a little brat. Love how Messi laughed when Ronaldo said he couldn't vote because of a knock. Truly comical.

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