Cristiano Ronaldo - v1


I'm confused. He's gotten better? Really? That weird "sadness" story? His "Injusticia" antics? His condescending "calma" celebration to opponent's fans? Publicly dissing Messi's Copa America performances? His "too much humility is vanity" comments? "I give myself a 10 out of 10 and the team 9 out of 10"? How has he become better? Even Casillas hates his guts, voting for Ramos for the Ballon d'Or, hence not backing Ronaldo. Not celebrating his goals. Which is why he's getting punished by Mourinho now.

Yes he has. He's turned from a 80% douchebag to a 75% douchebag. I call that improvement.


Well-known member
Despite him being a total prick it should not influence his ranking at all imo. It does bit it shouldnt, it Should be just sbout his individual performances and team performances.
Its not his persona that keeps him from winning the award, it just adds to it.
He will never beat Leo individually so team prices are his best option.
He basicalky needs to shoot Real to la decima and get close to Messi in goals/assists, even then it wont be a certainty.


New member
omg people make such a big fuss for every little thing...

I fully support you in everything you say but I think you need to lay down the barca goggles on this one...As much as I love pep: between the "clash" of the two, Pep was always the one who provoced it. I really don't like Cristiano but he just tried to be nice here and Pep showed absolutely no class.

I´ve made no big fuss. If it was the other way around there would be "Ronaldo is arrogant, etc" posts all around.

this. Even if cristiano's attention wasnt really greet pep (which is possible, maybe he touched him by accident): the other way around everyone would go nuts in here.
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New member
Ronaldo accidentally touched Pep's head and Ronaldo apologized with a hand gesture. Nothing to cry about, what was Pep supposed to do ?


obviously i meant the fucking punto pelota who make such shit daily basis...

Mes que un club

New member
Can any of you actually see in the video that Pep "snubbed" Ronaldo? I can't. Don't let the obviously rehearsed over-dramatic reaction of the studio fool you.

Pepe Silvia

Active member
even if pep did snub cr (which he didn't), who cares? just because pep is classy doesn't mean he has to like everyone. if you make eye contact with someone you don't like, generally the reaction is to look the other way.

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