Ah, so they take social media into consideration, but not actual match footage. Bravo.
this season (it was a repeat offense that game).... and a pr statement (but no actual footage)......, rm media/corrupted logic.From Marca:
Cristiano Ronaldo was aided by two factors: it was not a repeat offense this season and at the end of the game he apologised for his behaviour on social media. "I apologise to everyone and especially to Edimar for my thoughtless act", wrote the striker.
The RFEF Competition Committee took these factors into consideration when deciding on his punishment for the incident, which was not considered excessive aggression.
Pepe got 0 when the ref ''forgot'' the stomping of Messi's hand in the report.
To end corruption we need enough media attention for the cause, I think the logical way to approach it is social media so it leads to debate and discusssion when the media picks up on it and the rfef will be called out for what it is, a corrupt Madrid favoured governing body which is worth investigating.
Its the best approach since we cant directly control the media but can be a spark that intitiates a fire trough social media.
One of the first things that should change is using the ref report instead of video material, its a tool that helps them protect players and avoid suspensions.
Yeah not happening in Spain. People are broke they need Floro's money.
KingMessi said:Shit like this makes me want a European Super League. At least Florentino wouldn't have any power there.
As for auditing everyone at Barca, shouldn't they be? I thought very recently a certain greedy scumbag was in charge of your club?
From Marca:
It is a big joke. It's a massive joke how the entire forum blames a club for fixing the situation, even though they had nothing to do with what the ref wrote in the report. And of course it's RMs fault that RFEFs policies are relying completely on such reports as opposed to the all accessible footage. Indeed scandalous, lol. Corruption! Franco! Villarato! Floro bought the league!
You know, I'm just gonna sit here and enjoy the internet rage. It brings out the best in some of you on this forum, the mods and it even got to poor Bojan
PS: Look back at my last post prior to the official news and my stance on Ronaldo's acts. Maybe that will calm your outraged tits regarding my "expected RM supporter comments".
Corruption is never a joke. But I don't expect you to not be biased. You support rm, after all. But it is a blatant case of corruption. This is not even the 1st time your club was favoured by lfp this season. You're probably used to it and thinks it's normal. I'm yet to find a rm fan who admits their club is heavily favored by lfp and rfef. One reason they don't change the rule to accept footage is exactly that situations like cr's can happen.
And you say you want proof... not long ago a former ref came forward and sair most lfp ref are madridistas and pro-rm. And it's not just the case of flo paying anyone, the system is rigged to favor rm every way they can. More examples are the invention of a "mvp" award to cr in 2013, when Messi had won the best player award, voted by players. And it goes on. But keep on ignoring the reality.