Cristiano Ronaldo - v1


Well-known member
lmao this is exactly how I've been feeling for the past few years. I used to hate his arrogance (I'm the best, 2nd best and third best in the world + his stomp and wink in the World Cup). But then I realized this guy is actually fucking jokes. And I began liking him a lot more. Just like how I feel about Mou tbh.
I thought you were CR's biggest fan on this site next to Morten:ohmy:
Problem with Arrogant childish people in sports is that unlike a movie where the good guy always ends up victorious in real life its often the opposite.
Mayweather will box Pacquiao to a clear ud win, Ronaldo might end up with more goals than Messi and another ballon d'or and Real will win b2b cl's beating us in the final.
Thats why its difficult to laugh off their annoying arrogance, since often they get their way and there is no justice for those waiting for karma of some kind.


Well-known member
what i find so unbelievable about him and these situations is that:

a) he cares a lot about what others think of him
b) he knows that these reactions will always be noticed on TV
c) he knows that these reactions will give everyone more reasons to dislike him
d) he still fucking does it every month
He is an emotional guy, acts impulsive and has difficulty hiding his true feelings. Also he knows Madrid media will make sure this doesnt blow into a big deal like Messi/Tello/Villa right before 2 important games. So its all good.


Calma, calma
Yeah he's so funny I'm falling in love with him.

You're telling me you don't find his celebrations funny?


I thought you were CR's biggest fan on this site next to Morten:ohmy:
Problem with Arrogant childish people in sports is that unlike a movie where the good guy always ends up victorious in real life its often the opposite.
Mayweather will box Pacquiao to a clear ud win, Ronaldo might end up with more goals than Messi and another ballon d'or and Real will win b2b cl's beating us in the final.
Thats why its difficult to laugh off their annoying arrogance, since often they get their way and there is no justice for those waiting for karma of some kind.

Yeah but this was ages ago. I like him for comedy, haircuts and headers tbh.


Senior Member
I dont think he cares one bit what others think about him on the pitch, tbh.

He definitely does it off the pitch, on the pitch I am not so sure. I think its fair to say that on the pitch he wants to be regarded as the "king", rather than the fair sportsman. He does Calma-celebrations towards opponents, acts dickish to teammates and hardly celebrates goals by teammates. This certainly doesnt scream "love me", i agree with that. I perosnally think that Ronaldo would have a very tough standing in the public, if he just wouldnt be sooo insanely good.

El Gato

what i find so unbelievable about him and these situations is that:

a) he cares a lot about what others think of him
b) he knows that these reactions will always be noticed on TV
c) he knows that these reactions will give everyone more reasons to dislike him
d) he still fucking does it every month

Who says he cares who dislikes him? Madridistas watch the Cule rage about his shenanigans and just laugh how much hate is getting spewed on such trivial matters while the guy is stat padding and getting on the scoresheet like any other player in the world :lol: It's so ridiculously funny. I love him for it. Such an unintentional troll.

The diva act can be unbearable and unlikeable to watch, but who cares haha. He can always get a hattrick the next game in his normal or more spectacular fashion and people will forget all about these things :)
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Senior Member
while browsing this thread, I was just looking for a movie i could loan this evening, then i saw this in the new movie-section..



New member
Your teammate, a defender who scores once every tens years, scores an useless goal in an already decided match and what do you do? Instead of congratulating him (because the goal may be useless in itself, but for a guy who scores so rarely a goal is always a beatufiul emotion), you act so disgustingly?
And all of that only because he scored a freakin' tap-in instead of you, while you score shitloads of them, since you are the Master of the useless goals...
This is just plain shameful.


San Claudio Bravo
Wonder how long it'll take Marca to come up with another "knee is hurt" article?

Heck, at this rate they might even live-stream his knee MRI.

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