Cristiano Ronaldo - v1


Devil May Cry
I immediately thought it was "user" who posted that :lol: . (the guy who faps to and only posts Ramos pics in his thread)


San Claudio Bravo
Is Cristiano touching this guy's junk?!



He's on vacation and has a pretty good life. Did you guys expect him to be moping at home?


New member
he looks worried that his club won't win jacksh*t this year...

I was going to post the same, but then I realized it's just an easy way to criticize him unfairly. I don't think anyone expects him to frown whenever there's a camera around, just to be thoughtful towards the club. But your point stands, I doubt he gives jackshit, because he's all about himself. But he'll change his mind once he realizes that no trophies for the club means no BdO for him.


Senior Member
Off-season this thread turns into a gossip/paparazzi thread :lol: Fine by me, im not all that interested in his private life, or other celebrities, but to each his own i guess.

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