Cristiano Ronaldo - v1


Senior Member
Another ego-pleaser for Ronaldo :)
Did Messi have a wank-show like this when he became all time topscorer for Barca?


Another ego-pleaser for Ronaldo :)
Did Messi have a wank-show like this when he became all time topscorer for Barca?

No. There was a message on the screen in the stadium, but not a celebration like that.


Devil May Cry
It is actually quite well done. Just you being the usual cynical grumpy arse that you are when anything with Ronaldo comes to topic lol

Lol what, I enjoy Cristiano banters just as much as the next person. This had much more potential and it's definitely true. "Course you are mate" doesn't sound like Messi at all.

Ryu Hayabusa

Lol what, I enjoy Cristiano banters just as much as the next person. This had much more potential and it's definitely true. "Course you are mate" doesn't sound like Messi at all.

I do believe that he is intelligent enough to understand the concept of irony. What seemed much more unlike him was the constant use of the words 'fucking' and 'bloody'.



I like that he has the obsession to be the best but what i don't like how he makes it all about himself. As much as i hate him i admire his effort.


Well-known member

I like that he has the obsession to be the best but what i don't like how he makes it all about himself. As much as i hate him i admire his effort.

Ronaldo is a classic narcissist. He touches every criterion 100%:

Narcissistic Personality Disorder Checklist:

___ He talks about himself and monopolizes the conversation.

___ He never asks about you, or never listens when he does.

___ He exaggerates his achievements or talents; acts boastful or conceited.

___ He expects constant praise or adoration.

___ He disregards or diminishes your feelings.

___ He’s demanding of you but isn’t there for you.

___ He puts himself first.

___ He has a sense of entitlement and becomes angry if not treated specially.

___ He’s easily hurt and easily feels rejected; he can’t handle criticism.

___ He has a fragile self-esteem but high self-confidence.

___ He thinks others are jealous of him.

___ He envies others who are successful, attractive, or stylish.

___ He takes advantage of others for his own gain.

___ He wants to have the best of everything and is materialistic.

For him football has been one giant narcissistic wankfest since the first day. Thats why im sure he will go to America to be Beckham.
Fading to obscurity would never be an option for him.
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The Observer
Ronaldo is a classic narcissist. He touches every criterion 100%:

Narcissistic Personality Disorder Checklist:

___ He talks about himself and monopolizes the conversation.

___ He never asks about you, or never listens when he does.

___ He exaggerates his achievements or talents; acts boastful or conceited.

___ He expects constant praise or adoration.

___ He disregards or diminishes your feelings.

___ He’s demanding of you but isn’t there for you.

___ He puts himself first.

___ He has a sense of entitlement and becomes angry if not treated specially.

___ He’s easily hurt and easily feels rejected; he can’t handle criticism.

___ He has a fragile self-esteem but high self-confidence.

___ He thinks others are jealous of him.

___ He envies others who are successful, attractive, or stylish.

___ He takes advantage of others for his own gain.

___ He wants to have the best of everything and is materialistic.

For him football has been one giant narcissistic wankfest since the first day. Thats why im sure he will go to America to be Beckham.
Fading to obscurity would never be an option for him.

Well he is not marrying my daughter or my sister so frankly speaking no one care if he has an own living doppelganger inside him
If he delivers on the pitch he will get all the love he wants & the fans will massage his ego.. if he doesn't the door is always wide open's a simple pragmatic relation it a booty call if you want
however after all those years the obsession among cule's with CR are very similar to that of a teenage girl who got dumped on prom-night ... hell he gets more attention here than most of your players

Seriously.. no one cares .. we will start to care when he drys out (very soon ) .. but if he keeps scoring 50 goals a season he can f**k a goat for all i care


You're welcome
I am pretty sure that whatever Ronaldo suffers from is not narcissism but insecurity due to his childhood. I actually recognize a lot of Ronaldo's behaviour in myself when I was younger(I am 26 now).
Wanting to prove people wrong, rarely content with oneself leading to a lot of frustration and a drive to perform better and a great sense of justice(meaning injustice hurts especially)
You can also see how it frustrates him when people try to bring someone down who is trying really hard the interview with the Japanese kid being an example.

I also think that people misinterpret his lack of humbleness for arrogance. Ronaldo for example will only call himself the best player if he is honestly the best performing player in that period, but with the same ease he would acknowledge another player to be the best if that is the reality(he respects Messi a lot, the Ballon D'or moment with his kid being proof). In his mind he is just being real instead of putting up fake humbleness. I really recognize this behaviour in myself, as I don't see the purpose in being humble when it means I have to announce something that doesn't reflect my honest thoughts(i.e. form of lying. And I'd rather come across as arrogant than being dishonest to myself).

Honestly, as much as Ronaldo fans can annoy me and to me Messi is clearly better player I think Ronaldo is a pretty cool guy in real life. Sure he would annoy you from time to time asking you if he looks good but his heart is definitely in the right place. Also seems like a great parent.

Having said that, in today's game against Atletico it was once again painfully clear that this guy has lost technique and relies on easy goals. He doesn't create any chances and lost accuracy. Sloppy crossballs.
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Senior Member
He should be a striker from now on, before he was dangerous in 1v1 situations at least, not anymore im afraid. That said, the whole team was complete(except Navas) shit in the second half, no support for the forwards.

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