Cristiano Ronaldo - v1


Previously known as Mehssi
When does Ronaldo score his next hat trick?

Hehehe I was gonna say 3hours after the Ronaldo movie premiere ends :lol:

IIRC it's 30th November unless there's some late voters in which case they'll wait for them another week or something like that.


Well-known member
I believe the knee story, he never really took enough time off to heal completely so its logical that it can end up as chronic.
Chasing Messi might turn him into Batistuta if he isnt careful.
But his current decine isnt just due to his knee, its a normal thing for players who rely on athleticism, once they aree around 30 the body naturally declines.
Same way Messi's dribble will decline when his acceleration goes.
ronaldo can still end up being a strong player with great positioning, basically doing what he does nowadays. Be Inzaghi, score penaldo's, pay for big teams and get credit on his name.
But it wont be the same as 2010-2013/14 for example.


Senior Member
Can we now please cut the crap, I'm sick of this imposter :)

Hide the Espanlol line and you have the most average record possible, not even talking about penalties.


You just post what you want to fit your own agenda. During his spell here, he has an excellent goalscoring record against almost any team. If you want to look at one particular year to say "Ronaldo is awful against atletico lawl" or something then thats your problem. In general, Ronaldo scores against everyone, simple as that. The fact that he gets the occasional goal galore against relegation teams has nothing to do with it.
Messi is 23% less effective in G+A against top 3 league opponents.
Cristiano is 52% less effective.

Cristiano is significantly more hindered by quality opposition.

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