Daniel Alves


Senior Member
after seeing the videos, i agree there was no contact and really really bad acting from alves
then again it was a stretched legg and dangerous play

but madrid had nothing before the red card anyways


Anxiously waiting for the next match
How on earth has Dani dove in that 360 circle.. really amazing be almost defies gravity with that dive lol


New member
after seeing the videos, i agree there was no contact and really really bad acting from alves
then again it was a stretched legg and dangerous play

but madrid had nothing before the red card anyways

Yes, it was a streched legg, and I'm glad he jumped off, otherwise he broke his leg.


New member
Hes a spineless cunt together with Pedro and Busq. Im ashamed to call myself a Barca supporter today. Drama queens who should be doing other things than playing football. Play with dolls or smth suits them better.


Senior Member
Then why dont you change to some other clubs then. Really , freaking drama queen. Di Maria and others dove like crazy but i dont see ppl talk bout that. I doubt you r even a Cules, just some fucking glory hunter who goes along with the public view.


New member
Then why dont you change to some other clubs then. Really , freaking drama queen. Di Maria and others dove like crazy but i dont see ppl talk bout that. I doubt you r even a Cules, just some fucking glory hunter who goes along with the public view.

Why would change from a club Ive been following for 25 years .. And this wasnt about Di Maria. Or any other RM player for that matter. Im not on a barca forum to debate about RM players. Maybe you are? Dunno ...

Anyway, this was about players wearing the Barcelona shirt and acting like girls. Man the fuck up and grow some balls. Its disgusting to watch. Pathetic.


Hes a spineless cunt together with Pedro and Busq. Im ashamed to call myself a Barca supporter today. Drama queens who should be doing other things than playing football. Play with dolls or smth suits them better.
Go support madrid and their "fair play" then.


New member
Hes a spineless cunt together with Pedro and Busq. Im ashamed to call myself a Barca supporter today. Drama queens who should be doing other things than playing football. Play with dolls or smth suits them better.


but its the truth, its refreshing to read a comment like this from a barca fan who is not denying such ugly and embarassing scenes like this..

busquets did it second time in a row..just woww



but its the truth, its refreshing to read a comment like this from a barca fan who is not denying such ugly and embarassing scenes like this..

busquets did it second time in a row..just woww
But it's not like they do it every other game. The 1st 2 clasicos it wasn't like that, but all madrid did was keep beating us. They just played madrid's dirty game. It's not something to be proud, but sometimes it's necessary.


Senior Member
Lmao at this shiet, calling our players cunt and stuff when RM play like a bunch of dirty fuckers. Freaking hyprocrites. What are we denying bout, we criticize Pedro and Busquet for their diving, we agree on this as foul and i dont even give a fuck what kind of card it was.


New member
Yes a few of our players dived last night, but after all the shit Madrid have gotten away with in the last two Clasico's justice has been done, but we didnt need to dive for justice to be done and it has tarnished the club to be perfectly honest. The crowding the ref needs to stop also.

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