Daniel Alves


Active member
I cant understand why people keep on bringing up RM players and saying RM does this and that all the time?

This is about Barca players diving and acting. Im sorry, but I simply cant stand looking at grown up men crying like girls and acting like they have been shot at point blank range with a shotgun when they barely was touched.

I dont give a fuck about what they have done in the past, it isnt about that. Its about dignity. Its about playing fair no matter the opposition. Todays Barca is probably the best team who have played football. They dont NEED to pull this shit. Its disgraceful. Its cheating. Barca doesnt need to cheat. It will just fuel the fire of the haters. Someones gotta step up and tell em girls to stop acting. Be it Pep or Puyol. Just someone with a spine and a pair of balls.

you get kicked, the opposition is diving/ pressuring the ref and you lose a game- see copa game. then you have these fans/journalists that criticize the players and pep for not winning the game and everyone hailing madrid for the win, the kicking and diving are forgotten.

you dive and you whine, you pressure the ref relentlessly and you try to get as many players booked as possible, you play them at their own game but you don't resort to kicking the opposition- the result? a win and a big fuck you to the opposition, played at their own game and beaten. fucking love it.

and now we have fans like you complaining about the players play-acting, you probably don't know what playing football is like. when you get kicked all the time and nobody gives a shit about it, you get really angry, you feel helpless. you have to do something to catch the ref's attention and sometimes you have to get your hands dirty to make it fair. so be it.

Pepe clipped Dani, let's stop the melodrama...It may have been slight but there was contact...Otherwise, you'd have to redefine physics for what Dani was able to do mid-air without contact would constitute a new law in Physics

that video is so rigged lmao, skipping frames and all... i swear how is that even possible for dani to dive like that? this isn't fucking cgi here.

thought it was an earlier video posted before.... that one looks like the ball hit his foot and that was the force pushing his leg back, it's still missing the point though....
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New member
"... and now we have fans like you complaining about the players play-acting, you probably don't know what playing football is like.

Yawn. Not worth to comment.

that video is so rigged lmao, skipping frames and all... i swear how is that even possible for dani to dive like that? this isn't fucking cgi here, it's real people doing real things

Pepe hits the ball that hits Alves legs and makes him spin around. There is no contact between the players at all. Its still a red card thou imho, since it could have gone real bad if DID hit him. Why Alves cry like a girl and acts like he lost his legs is pathetic on the other hand, and doesnt belong on a football pitch if you ask me.


Active member
ok, since you dismiss it like that, you can go find a football team- or world rather- where there is no diving or play-acting. just stay away from barca as i can assure you now, there is more to come and if you feel ashamed for it then be prepared or like someone else already suggest, just gtfo


The Right One ⇩
Lets face it EVERY team has a few players that dive and play act. Lets not fool ourselves and say Barca are the one and only team that does this. Hell even Real were at it yesterday, Mascherano clips Pepe and he came away with the same kind of reaction as Alves did, Di Maria was as guilty of diving and play-acting as Pedro. Difference being Barca are on the end of the oppositions boot and cynicism far more than the other way around so it is documented more.

Everything has been building up and was fuelled by the other two games.
Alves may have playacted but that's legit. Until you allow for video replays to be incorporated in real time referee decisions, then that's the only option to do it.

Even if there wasn't that much contact between Pepe & Alves; the intention was there on Pepe's part and it was only chance that allowed Alves to escape what could've been a very serious injury. That's a straight red IMO, but if Alves had forgot the theatrics the referee wouldn't have given it that same weight; not because Pepe doesn't deserve red, but because a referee is not omniscient and doesn't get to see the tackle replayed to judge for himself what to assign to it.


Hoy, mañana y siempre traductor

but its the truth, its refreshing to read a comment like this from a barca fan who is not denying such ugly and embarassing scenes like this..

busquets did it second time in a row..just woww

He's not a Barca fan, he's one of the resident Ibra fanboys.


Mr. Japes
Hes a spineless cunt together with Pedro and Busq. Im ashamed to call myself a Barca supporter today. Drama queens who should be doing other things than playing football. Play with dolls or smth suits them better.

Spineless isn't the right word. He dives and exaggerates contact but he works hard and fights for his team, doing whatever he can to help them. I can admire that without particularly enjoying his simulation.


New member

At first it seemed unreal to me, like against physics, the way Dani moves his leg backwards. But after seeing various replays it all makes sense to me now. If you watch closely you can see that first Alves makes contact with the ball and then Pepe does, but with much greater force and momentum and forces Dani's leg in the opposite direction. Pepe didn't touch Alves, but it was a dangerous and reckless.

A yellow card IMO.

Why would change from a club Ive been following for 25 years .. And this wasnt about Di Maria. Or any other RM player for that matter. Im not on a barca forum to debate about RM players. Maybe you are? Dunno ...

Anyway, this was about players wearing the Barcelona shirt and acting like girls. Man the fuck up and grow some balls. Its disgusting to watch. Pathetic.

Hes a spineless cunt together with Pedro and Busq. Im ashamed to call myself a Barca supporter today. Drama queens who should be doing other things than playing football. Play with dolls or smth suits them better.


but its the truth, its refreshing to read a comment like this from a barca fan who is not denying such ugly and embarassing scenes like this..

busquets did it second time in a row..just woww

I agree with this. I'm not ashamed to support FC Barcelona, but of the diving and acting from a few of our players, especially busquets... I was even surprised to see Predito doing it too. I'm not one who complains about diving, to some extent I think it's part of the game. For example, when a player from the opposing team dives and wins a penalty I get pissed of course, but I say to myself "If it was us, I'd be happy." There are limits, the way Busquets did for example when Marcelo was shielding the ball was embarrassing. The worst part is we've no need for this when you're the best club in the world.


Senior Member
wether he touched him or not is not an issue, he went in with studds up and the intention to hurt, ie, if a guy throws a nife at u and u just
manage to dodge it, is that a fellony or not?!!


Barçapocalypse NOW!
I don't give a shit... What's with the "holier than thou" attitude from Madrid? Are they the only team allowed to behave like assholes and kick the shit out of everyone? They played dirty, we answered back and won, so deal with it...

This is just another way to deviate attention from the fact that they played like shit and that Mourinho got it wrong...

They messed with the wrong brazilian! Dani Alves for president!


Senior Member
The problem is that, that is definitely a foul even if there were no contact. But ppl say that there was no foul. Funny that we must maintain our high and mighty and clean approach when other treat us like dirt and intentionally fuck us up every time our player gets the ball. Some were play act, some were definitely not.

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