Daniel Alves


New member
Apperantly real madrid supporters were making monkey noise towards alves


I wonder why Marca/As have reported nothing about this :wacko:
Marca/AS probably wanted to report it as "Barca fans dressed up as Madristas make racist gestures towards Marcelo. Or alter the video so everybody jeering is wearing the Barca kit.
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New member
Anybody felt like whenever he tackled Ronaldo, he would always try to kick him with his trailing leg, really don't care since its Ronaldo, but what do you guys think of it, is it just his tackling form, or is it malicious, does he do it against other players?

I don't remember that? But seeing as it's cr94, im proud of him doing it because cr94 did the same to messi in last season..


New member
I don't remember that? But seeing as it's cr94, im proud of him doing it because cr94 did the same to messi in last season..
Yep that's what I thought of too, if only alves gave CR7 a broken leg, that'll teach him not to attempt something that dirty again.


Senior Member
Alves' passing was pretty horrid in the opening 30 minutes...but once he got his shit together he completely owned Cristina. I look forward to seeing him as his sharp self again...and watching him play against any other team besides Madrid so he can actually venture out of our half ;)


Cardenal de Catalunya
It really shows that he has been working on his defending over the summer.

Looked rock solid after a less impressive start.
I just hope most barca fans realize how awesome Alves was tonight for us. At totalbarca.com (not sure if any of you guys go there) in the man of match poll Messi got like 85% of the vote. Now of course I'm fine with that cause I mean 2 goals and an assist is insane, but I feel like Alves single handedly stopped at least 10 would be scoring chances. He stopped Ronaldo at least 5 times. It was the best performance I have seen from him ( that I can remember) and I barely ever remember him coming forward at all on the attack.

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