
Either Dani comes equipped with a tractor beam or the Force is strong with him, hmm not sure...
Alves is not good in front of goal plain and simple. Messi is. Its brave but thats the football the team prefers. I love the comraderie between those two.You shouldn't confuse an observation as a lack of support...Dani has another gear to his game, I don't think that's either a criticism or unsupportiveAnd I do see the merit of Alves supporting Messi by making it his goal to make sure Leo gets a goal...But I don't agree that that should come before scoring and winning for the team...You're in with the keeper 1v1 and you cross a ball into the tightest of spaces?...It worked, I realize, so it's great but I think there's too much cutting back and looking for the high degree of difficulty of goal rather than scoring - which should be what all the players are thinking of in that positionDani, has an on pitch chemistry that is more symbiotic than perhaps any other player on the team...I can see, just like you, that Alves is willing Leo to show everyone his greatness...I just think he doesn't need to do it everytime, he shouldn't be making that the priority over scoring, you know?That play was isolated and it was ultimately successful but I seem to recall several nearly identical scenarios this season where Dani simply deferred when in a position to score...I think there's too often too much of that, too much looking for Leo when the attackers should be trying for goal as well
give the guy a break, Michael. Like you said hes coming off a divorce, a DIVORCE so its gonna be tough for him. Ee should take comfort that when he needs to he can smoke just about anyone .. hes giving us what he can. Anymore and his hearts gonna stop... also Dani shoting is just horrible and his confidence lies in placing final balls he can improve shooting but hes evolved into something more. Those situations where he seems drained he shouldnt be isolated as the entire team can look sluggish so thats another issue not w Dani alone. Montoya is talented and soes need to get more minites. Not sure this is the time to do that though.Dani can be better in front of goal, Sevilla wasn't that long ago...I know the team and all of the players want to service Leo but it's making them more & more one dimensional, IMHO...Granted, it's an extraordinary dimension with Messi but it also makes matches more complicated tooThe kinship between the two players is awesome and it's very real, anyone can see it...He's vital and why I am thrilled he was extended...But the biggest threat to Barça's continued hegemony is complacency (Coupled with Mou's mafia of corruption)...I am hoping Montoya will be a good addition to the squad to push Dani to show us more of his game - I feel like he's playing at about 50% most times
"Pep used to have a lot of hair, but because of us he has lost it"
Hahahaha, this guy is a genius!