Daniel Alves


World Champion
What? He can ask what he wants. It's a free market after all. If Barca think they can survive half a season with Douglas and Montoya and after that find a suitable replacement who is not Cup tied in January who will immediately adapt in the middle of the season then they don't need to renew Alves and should go ahead with that plan. Simple as.

6 Ballons for Messi

but what if he wins 7??
What? He can ask what he wants. It's a free market after all. If Barca think they can survive half a season with Douglas and Montoya and after that find a suitable replacement who is not Cup tied in January who will immediately adapt in the middle of the season then they don't need to renew Alves and should go ahead with that plan. Simple as.

I also have some bridges to sell.


New member
Would you stay at your current job if they told you they want to lower your wages
They have you as their last resort, they think you are not very good but other options are even wweaker

They're not lowering your wages out of the blue. Your contract is ending. It's either not working there at all anymore, or working with lower wages. They're offering you a new, lesser deal, because you're inevitably deteriorating as a worker.

Some people make it sound as if the club is demanding to lower his wages during a valid contract period.


They're not lowering your wages out of the blue. Your contract is ending. It's either not working there at all anymore, or working with lower wages. They're offering you a new, lesser deal, because you're inevitably deteriorating as a worker.

Some people make it sound as if the club is demanding to lower his wages during a valid contract period.

If there was no ban, this wouldn't be a problem. Or if zubinepto had signed a good replacement. And it seems he accepts lower wages, as long as it's a 2+1 contract.

Jamie Cal

I legit see guys on twitter saying he's in our top 3 worst performers of the season. It's laughable. That's cult of personality, I guess. Anyway, defensively brilliant tonight.


Previously known as Mehssi
Terrible match from Dani. 3 more years od this and probably worse, no thanx

Sometimes I really don't understand you mate :/

I'm not saying he was great, but way better than this season's usual, and very commited defensively, except a few mistakes, and that last shot in extra time that was cringe worty, he was pretty good.
I'm a big critic of Alves but I though that he was very good defensively in particular. However what a ridiculous effort from about 40 yards with what was our last attack of the game.

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