David Villa


New member
UGGHHH~! Pedro and Sanchez are so one dimensional and predictable.

Its time to sell Villa. Even with Messi absent he isnt producing the goods.

Villa is scoring every 125 minutes played that is by far the best scoring ratio on the team except for Messi. Villa also has the highest shooting percentage on the team. He has been very productive with the limited time he has gotten this season. I would not write him off yet. In fact I think he will be the difference maker in the Champions League this season.


New member
IMO Villa should be sell because he will never be like before. When he runs, he looks unable to speed up. He doesn't dribble and he's not as efficient as he was before his injury. I think that a player like Tello can bring to the team better performances but he just needs experience.


New member
IMO Villa should be sell because he will never be like before. When he runs, he looks unable to speed up. He doesn't dribble and he's not as efficient as he was before his injury. I think that a player like Tello can bring to the team better performances but he just needs experience.

Who would play in front of Messi then? I know we rarely play like that but it's a nice option to have.


BTW: If Neymar joins then I see D Villa much more likely to leave than Alexis. Reasons: 1) Villa has to be a starter whereas Alexis will accept a role as a "supersub". 2) Villa's wages 3) age difference between Villa and Alexis


New member
BTW: If Neymar joins then I see D Villa much more likely to leave than Alexis. Reasons: 1) Villa has to be a starter whereas Alexis will accept a role as a "supersub". 2) Villa's wages 3) age difference between Villa and Alexis

I think Neymar prefers the heft wing too so likely it would be Neymar and Tello on the left.

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