David Villa


Barçapocalypse NOW!
As expected he was bad... Not because he's a bad player, but with a midfield that can't provide good scoring opportunities there's nothing any striker could do...


ze special one
not gonna defend him today. he was bad.

shud still stay next season to save us in november when we all realize how shit neymar is


Active member
i think after his injury his not the same player anymore,we were expecting much better things from him at least at this point of the season but unfortunatelly no..he only brings something good when he is in his day and has some space,otherwise nothing...


New member
i think after his injury his not the same player anymore,we were expecting much better things from him at least at this point of the season but unfortunatelly no..he only brings something good when he is in his day and has some space,otherwise nothing...
yeah.. his injury and the treatment he has received from tito..


New member
I think this beatdown will be good for Barca in the long run. It will force the club to make improvements and force change, hopefully for the better. Villa was bad but still came very close to scoring on the header despite no support. I really question the tactics in both the milan and bayern series.


New member
maybe he is not Barca material anymore after that injury,lost the pace and acceleration which were a big part of his game,still a great finisher and could flourish at a club like Juve


New member
He still had brilliant games after his injury.

I would give anything to see him stay next season. I doubt it'll happen, but I'd love it.


He still had brilliant games after his injury.

I would give anything to see him stay next season. I doubt it'll happen, but I'd love it.

love Guaje as well but the club comes first, if he's done we cant afford to keep more deadweight, we have enough as it is.


New member
He's not deadweight. The entire team played badly. He's our second best striker (even with the peanut-minutes he's been getting) and he's proven to be a clinical finisher and still on top of his game on numerous occasions this season. He's had his share of bad games, too, I'll admit, but if he's sold, it's not because he's been bad, it's either because he's old or because Rosell wants Neymar to wear the #7 shirt. Probably a combination of both.

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