David Villa


The Kingslayer

Ur taking the fucking piss. He's on a level with hose guys and miles ahead of defoe

David Villa is on the same level as RVP/Henry/Eto'o right now? Are you taking the fucking piss? I think I'm being generous calling David Villa a slightly above average footballer, because he's playing below average right now.


Barçapocalypse NOW!
The difference with Villa and those other big fish/small pond strikers you talk about is, Villa has won numerous titles at Club & International Level, whilst making significant contributions.

I agree that Villa is NOT "World Class" anymore. World Class (strikers), to me, is: Messi, Ronaldo (Brazil), Van Basten. These guys are UNDISPUTABLY World Class. The term is banded about waayy too often for my liking.

I have also said that ANY striker who goes a 11 games without scoring cannot be considered world class, so that also rules out RVP.

However Villa plays predominately on the wing, which is not his natural position, so it would be harsh to judge him with the same criteria.

Right, because Ronaldo and Van Basten didn't decline over the years just as it's happening to Villa right now... Admittedly, the brazilian and the dutch were better players than Villa, however you can't take away that Villa was one of the beast goalscorers of the last decade both for club and NT...

The Kingslayer said:
David Villa is on the same level as RVP/Henry/Eto'o right now?

Does that even make sense? Henry and Eto'o are semi retired, so I don't get where the comparison comes from... If you are comparing current Villa to prime Henry/Eto'o you are not really proving anything, just pointing out the obvious, however if you are comparing the best moments of all of them, then maybe there's room for debate...
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High Definition Member
Yeah right now. But he broke his leg, give him a break. Before that he was easily as good if not better than some of those guys

Also you can't say Henry and etoo are world class any,ore eitjer

Henry was finished three seasons ago

The Kingslayer

The difference with Villa and those other big fish/small pond strikers you talk about is, Villa has won numerous titles at Club & International Level, whilst making significant contributions.

I agree that Villa is NOT "World Class" anymore. World Class (strikers), to me, is: Messi, Ronaldo (Brazil), Van Basten. These guys are UNDISPUTABLY World Class. The term is banded about waayy too often for my liking.

I have also said that ANY striker who goes a 11 games without scoring cannot be considered world class, so that also rules out RVP.

However Villa plays predominately on the wing, which is not his natural position, so it would be harsh to judge him with the same criteria.

And you cannot compare Villa to that :shit: stain Defoe. You are undermining your argument when you state that.

To be classed as 'WC' you need to be playing for a WC club and not only playing for a WC club but being a stand out player in this club, Valencia is not a WC level club and now David Villa is at a WC club in Barcelona he's certainly not a stand out player.

I don't judge players by goals, i think that is a ridiculous thing to do, i judge players by their all round game and their allround contributions on the football pitch, aswell as goals (if they are a striker or an attacking player) and David Villa's all round game and contributions during 90mins as never done it for me hence me saying i always knew he would flop and the chances he misses and how he's a pedestrian playing for Barcelona is pathetic really for a so called top player, comparing him to Defoe is a compliment.

There's been 1 competition where David Villa looked a WC footballer and that was the 2010 World Cup, but what's that a 6/7 game competition?


High Definition Member
When Did you become a bArca fan. You clearly don't remember 2011 season

Even now when he's declining he's twice the player Defoe ever was


New member
To be classed as 'WC' you need to be playing for a WC club and not only playing for a WC club but being a stand out player in this club, Valencia is not a WC level club and now David Villa is at a WC club in Barcelona he's certainly not a stand out player.
So by your rational, Pele was NOT World Class?
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Wild Man of Borneo
Yeah. That's only because Pele played for them.:lol:

They had several of the world cup winners on the squad, it wasn't just Pele because Santos as a team was much higher than any other team in the league...... Plus the era/league was too isolated to comparatively call Santos or any other team world class as football wasn't as competitive back then.


New member
Maybe at his best he was a level 4 striker but never a level 5 striker ie the Drogba's/RVP's/Ibrahimovic's/Henry's/Eto'o's of the game.

Defoe and RVP??? Wow. I'm English and that is laughable at best.

You're seriously delousional. Villa is one of the best European strikers of all time. Top 10-15 whether you like it or not.


New member
Villa should be sold.We don't need him.He was a world class player but now he is not.We cannot keep him because of he played brilliantly 2 or 3 seasons ago what matters is how was he in the last season and the answer is shit..

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