David Villa



"I would say that Alexis earns less..." that's just guessing. Cesc is paying 1Million every year to Arsenal, from his own salary which is the main reason why Barcelona signed him. He's not getting 5 million year (may I ask where you got that number...).

Also, when did I say Pedro shouldn't play more than Villa? can you quote that from any of my replies please? or are you guessing that as well from my words? like everything else?
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Monster Masch

"Hmmm, should I move away from Barca?"


Mike the Knife

Asked about his relationship with team mate David Villa, Messi replied:

“I ‘ve got nothing to say. I don’t have to explain anything to anybody, people can think what they like”.


looks like messi is getting tired of this bloody nonsense as well.

He just doesn't know how to deny it anymore. "A picture is worth a thousand words" and there's a lot of them (and videos, and whole matches).



Monster Masch
Yeah, very boring indeed, how long have the media persued his story? It's got to be close to 4 months now. I'm surprised they're not bored of it as well considering they have little to nothing to go on.



New member
"I would say that Alexis earns less..." that's just guessing.

No it's not..Alexis is on the 3rd scale and Cesc is on 2nd so it's pretty clear that Alexis has a smaller salary(at least ON PAPER).
Cesc is paying 1Million every year to Arsenal, from his own salary
Yes, Cesc is paying 1M every year from his 5M salary and he ends up having 4M/year,like Alexis. It would have been much easier for us to understand if Rosell would have payed 34M for him and gave him a 4M salary. But then Rosell wouldn't have looked like a genius and Cesc like the canterano who only came back because he loves his club.
Rosell should have won an Oscar for special effects for all this..though he has a bigger chance next year for the deal with Qatar.
"which is the main reason why Barcelona signed him.

The main reason is Pep and Barca's obsestion with former canteranos, I thought that much is clear.

He's not getting 5 million year (may I ask where you got that number...).

Yes he is ON PAPER. And I get my numbers from the same place as you, though I try to read the spanish newspapers also, at least from time to time. And after the whole "Cesc, the returning of the lost son" soap-opera I know these numbers better than my own name.
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Mike the Knife
Sucks about Villa but Valdes is out, as well...Going to need to benefit from that speed out wide, glad it's Tello

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