Sensational outrage over Villa calling to the ref to give a card to Busi which was plainly deserved.
Pretty ironic coming from a presumed Barcelona fans, it has to be said.
What the hell? Yeah sure you can get emotional during a game but asking an ex-teammate to get send off, in an annoyingly obvious way, is just over the top. Especially if it wasn't even that bad of a foul, if Busquets was sent off because of that he could've given a red to at least 3-4 Atlético players.
why didnt villa bring up the penalty to cesc or the red for suarez? everyone is tied down to their own opinion and they only speak up when it favors them.
Is that a serious question? You expect Villa to ask the ref to award us a penalty ...
I've seen other former players be far more respectful to thier former club. It's something I value a lot and why I'm disappointed with David.
Or do you guys want every player to be like Adebayor?
..and sanchez is?
At no point last night was Villa disrespectful to anyone. Get over it, FFS.
This discussion.Nowhere else will you find such immature people as among football supporters.