David Villa


New member
A healthy Villa is better than a rundown beat up Villa. We can't tax him after having a 7 month broken leg at the age of 31. You guys remember a doctor from Barca saying Tito's way of easing Villa has been scientific?

Maybe just maybe Tito's way of doing that is by starting him in less pressure situations such as Alaves (both games), Benifica (already qualified 2nd leg), Cordoba, etc. Now in high pressure games only playing against Sevilla as a sub comes to mind. He didn't play a single minute (correct me if I'm wrong) in the 3 games vs Real so far.

Its all about keeping this guy fit, healthy and yeah it will cost him minutes for now. But a broken leg is not like Sanchez's daily muscle injuries. Look at Vidic, broke his leg, re aggrevated it out for months. We don't want that.

This. People are severely underestimating the degree of this injury. The guy broke his leg, ffs. Just because he's made a recovery and regained playing fitness does not mean he's comparable to guys who have not broken their legs in the recent years.


This. People are severely underestimating the degree of this injury. The guy broke his leg, ffs. Just because he's made a recovery and regained playing fitness does not mean he's comparable to guys who have not broken their legs in the recent years.

If I could get a dollar every time a guy says something like that I'd be billionaire.


New member
I think the logic is this. Pedro and Alexis are way off-form and having scoring droughts. Villa is coming off of a major injury. We are not yet in the most important part of the season. We want Pedro and Alexis back on form by the time the really important matches come, and we do not want Villa injured for those matches. The best way to ensure those things is to play Pedro and Alexis enough that they get their form back and conserve Villa's minutes to make sure he doesn't get re-injured. Makes sense to me.

Another factor is that our two best non-Messi players this season have been Iniesta and Cesc. If you want to play both of them, you have to play Iniesta on the left wing. Since Villa doesn't really play on the right and won't play as a CF over Messi, this basically means that he has been directly competing for minutes with an in-form Andres Iniesta, and that's not a battle Villa can win.


New member
If I could get a dollar every time a guy says something like that I'd be billionaire.
The guy is 31, Players at that age already struggle trying to maintain a decent performance, Now imagine that after braking a leg and not touching a ball for 6 months, It'll be a miracle if he got back to his first season performance, And most likely never will, So when you think about it this way, It's not hard to comprehend why he isn't easily getting in the starting line up.

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