Defender for next season?


New member
Sorry, but Piqué was brought as a third choice (as milito was out the entire season 2008-09), and Cáceres was our fourth choice, who just never got going. Piqué that season went on to 've 44 starts (most for a CB), more than Puyol and marquez. I don't remember Abi playing as a CB that season, and no one knew Toure could play CB till Pep was forced to play him there in the CL&CDR semi/finals due to Marquez's injury. We essentially had 3 functioning CBs in 08/09, as the Uruguayan didn't click. We are actually better off now than we were then, in the CB dept. Piqué, Puyol, masch, Bartra, and sergi Gomez in case of emergency. We could still keep Fontàs who can act as our 5th choice.

There isn't a need for a CB. The transfer muppets, just acting panicky as usual.

That's just not true. I remember when we bought Piqué. People were fairly excited about Cáceres, but Piqué was that guy who had just failed at making it at United and we could get cheap. He surprised everyone.

And again, keep in mind that Puyol won't be fit. Blame nature. There is extreme need for a CB. There was extreme need three seasons ago and the only change since then has been using an MF like Masch as CB and losing Abidal. I mean, Sergi Gomez? Have you even watched him in the B team? Not everything coming from the Masia is going to be successful, I'm sorry to say. Not if you want to challenge for titles.


Senior Member
why won't puyol be fit?.
we had marquez,puyol and milito and bought pique and cacerez.
now masch,puyol and pique. with bartra and fontas.
not much difference.
no team has 4 top cb its not good for the dressing room. 3 plus a up and comer is the best balance


Age is unavoidable.

"I want to keep playing football until the age of 40"




New member

Two excellent instances of two players who really were not even in the same league as themselves in their prime. Even then, and you could include, say, Giggs, they are noteworthy for being an exception in the sense that they managed to stay in the elite through an age that had everybody else retiring. They aren't the norm, they are the 0.01 per cent. I wish Puyi becomes one of them, but that probably won't happen. Because statistics.


New member
The problem with Puyol is his playing style. It's unbelievably exhausting when he goes 110% in all the time full-physical game.
That is the reason he cannot avoid injuries.


New member
So Marquez and Puyol were first choice in 08/09, with Pique and the inadequate caceres as back-ups. For 12/13, we 've Pique and Masch as first choice, with Puyol and Bartra as backups. I don't see the depth issue. And Abi could play CB, but he never played there in 08/09, or atleast i don't remember he did.

Marquez, Puyol, Pique and Caceres were all proven La Liga first team defenders in good health. They were all fairly low risk. And again, Abidal he was a proven central defender as well, in the end he wasn't used but the option was always there if things had gone wrong. This season Pique and Masch are proven defenders in good health. However Puyol is aging and also coming back from a long injury so he is a high risk. Bartra is unproven so again a high risk. He might do well, but he might be a complete disaster.

You can't just look at how things can go right, you need to consider things going wrong. Last season Pique and Puyol were injured for the first 2 months and it cost us multiple in the league and CL. If that happens again we could end up with Masch and Barta, or Pique and Bartra, those pairings might work out but it could easily ruin our season. We should learn our lesson rather than doing a Wenger.

Pique and Masch could end up playing 55 games each and it might be all ok, but it won't take too much for things to go completely wrong. And then if Busi is the midfielder to get unlucky with injury we're in even more trouble. We need at least 1 more player.


Senior Member
That's just not true. I remember when we bought Piqué. People were fairly excited about Cáceres, but Piqué was that guy who had just failed at making it at United and we could get cheap. He surprised everyone.

I said nothing about fans' reception/expectations of either players. More about Pep's envision and his preference for ex/canteros, and by such virtue Piqué was the immediate backup for rafa and Puyol, and more trusted than Cáceres. Piqué delivered from the get go, and justified pep's faith in him.
And coming to fans reaction about either transfers. It is similar to what we are seeing now. Being sceptical about a cantero, on grounds of inexperience, but waiting in anticipation and excitement on any potential incoming CB transfer.

Marquez, Puyol, Pique and Caceres were all proven La Liga first team defenders in good health. They were all fairly low risk. And again, Abidal he was a proven central defender as well, in the end he wasn't used but the option was always there if things had gone wrong. This season Pique and Masch are proven defenders in good health. However Puyol is aging and also coming back from a long injury so he is a high risk. Bartra is unproven so again a high risk. He might do well, but he might be a complete disaster.

Piqué and Cáceres came with a lone season's of LL experience. I wouldn't really call that "proven". You see players having wonder seasons, and then immediately flop the next one. You can't guage quality on a mere season's of work. That would be unreasonable. Consistency over a period of time brings reliability and trust. That is when you're proven. Their signings was still a risky affair, you're entitled to disagree.
And whilst Bartra may or may not work. You completely overlook the fact that such a consequence can also be applicable to a new signing. To 've the "experience" on a diff team/league and then integrating oneself and playing the Barca way is a different ball game altogether. Our system is physically and tactically demanding, and not everyone succeed here, regardless of quality, as has been seen in our recent past. Your T-silvas, JMartinez, Aggers, etc may look worldclass in their respective teams, but that doesn't guarantee anything from a barca perspective. They are as much of a risk as deploying one of our canteros. Atleast the latter would come with no monetory excesses, and be familiar with our philosophy, and 've a easier transition into the first team. Our recent past validates it, as our canteros 've proved to be more reliable. And lest not forget, the adaptation period of a new signing could instead be used to gain valuable experience for the youngster, and they'd be ready in time.

I reiterate my original stance. There isn't a need for reinforcements for our backline with our current squad in place. Puyol may not 've age on his side, but if used prudently (saving him for the bigger games, and using mostly as back-up the rest), he'll come up with the goods for an extended period.
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Senior Member
Two excellent instances of two players who really were not even in the same league as themselves in their prime. Even then, and you could include, say, Giggs, they are noteworthy for being an exception in the sense that they managed to stay in the elite through an age that had everybody else retiring. They aren't the norm, they are the 0.01 per cent. I wish Puyi becomes one of them, but that probably won't happen. Because statistics.
I think Puyol can retain his ability to play in such high level for some more time .that said his biggest enemy is injuries .Puyol has been rarely injured throughout his career until 2 years ago and it seems it is hunting him now


New member
It's not that simple in La Liga. Puyol would be a success in many other leagues for a long time.
But it won't take long until he's simply too slow to catch the fastest attackers.


Senior Member
I personally rate Song but I dont see why he is necessary...he isnt reliable as a CB option and id prefer to use youth as a Keita replacement who is also ok with sitting on the bench until needed. Puyol has been amazing but hes getting old and even last season you could tell he lost pace from the knee injury. He will soon become a rotation/back up CB sadly, which means we need a WC CB replacement. Fontas is SLOW and has questionable positioning, hes not good enough. Im not sure about Barta bc i havent seen enough of him yet. I think we should splash for a CB, Agger imo out of the currently available options. 13mil for Alba and 22mil for Agger is a solid transfer season to me. No spending in winter and save money for Neymar pending Villas form.


New member
At first two press-conferences Tito said that the priority is buying a defender.
Is Tito planning to do the same with Song that Pep did with Mascherano? To play him in defense?


New member
At first two press-conferences Tito said that the priority is buying a defender.
Is Tito planning to do the same with Song that Pep did with Mascherano? To play him in defense?

To me, that makes no sense whatsoever. Song is not defensive-minded, while Masch is. A 3 man defense with a Song - Busi middle for the excessively defensive sides would make some, but that's still an insane risk.

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