Diego Forlan


Dr. Raed St. Claire
wht so funny?...Is it because he scored a spectacular goal n made the world sit up n notice him?...or tht he bailed his team out of trouble....?....or becoz hez only played a couple of PL games tht u think hez shite?....or are u frustrated tht bojan missed a sitter agsnt chelsea while macheda did the unexpected for his team?...
I 've seen more potential in this boy in 2 games thn i 've seen in Bojan over 2 seasons....

Im sorry but i dnt share most popular opinions on tis forum....i dnt 've 2 love everythin Barca to be a cule...i ll say it like how i see it....if it makes for good humour or riles up the others in the process it hardly concerns me....

I think I told you I liked your posts before, but I appreciate your honesty and non blinded support.

I am just wondering what is it that makes you unconvinced by Bojan? Although he is short, he has an eye for goal, he is comfortable on the ball, I have seen him weigh defenders before challenging them, his anticipation to incoming challenges are decent. Also, his shots are superb. He works hard off the ball, and his positioning will improve by time.

You cannot put Pato as a benchmark, you can't produce players of this caliber all the time, so it is unfair to compare with Pato. As for Balloteli, as much as I like him, he has an incredibly volatile attitude and does not necessary posses the brains to become a star. Mourinho said he had to tell him to do everything from the side lines, as if he had a remote control. I am not sure whether Balloteli is afraid of Mourinho or that he really is lost out there.


Dr. Raed St. Claire
Bojan is also regularly played out of position, genrally when he features Eto'o, Henry or Messi end up playing the center role. So he's not necessarily playing the same location that Pato and Balotelli get to roam about in. There are many things to consider. Bojan is a top talent and i hope he continues to improve.
:bojan: :veryhappy:

Actually Balloteli has played in various positions, not necessary close to the goal either.


Love is All
These days a lot depends on the mental power and determination as well. And Forlan looks like a tough guy to me, even mentally.


Only problems I have with Forlán;

1) Unproven in Europe

2) One of those players who thrives as a big fish in a small pond?


Forlan would play well against Spanish teams but against English teams I doubt he would be the same player. The tempo is just too quick for him.

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