Dmytro Chygrynskiy

La Furia

Legion of Doooom
I really can't write him off as a flop yet, I mean it is a very big change from Ukrainian league to Spain. But so far, so bad. It's not even that he makes outrageous mistakes, it's like he's moving under water. And that one turnover was, ouch.

el tren

Adolfo Valencia
Hm, i felt like Pique was even worse than Chryg tonight, at least in 1st half where he looked horrible before the corner that lead to mallorcas 1st goal (he seemed to fall asleep during the long ball) and had an awful amount of mispasses. What denied Chryg a better rating than Pique was his major fail prior to mallorcas 2nd goal.


New member
Pep should bench him for the rest of the season and just give him playing time in the Cup. He is slow, don't know about his technics because I haven't seen any and that "precise long passes" is nothing that Marquez can't do, even better.
Shaktar did an awesome bussiness with him - another bad signing from Guardiola along with Hleb and Caseres. That's togeter of cca 58mil.€ thrown in the wind.

La Furia

Legion of Doooom
Hm, i felt like Pique was even worse than Chryg tonight, at least in 1st half where he looked horrible before the corner that lead to mallorcas 1st goal (he seemed to fall asleep during the long ball) and had an awful amount of mispasses. What denied Chryg a better rating than Pique was his major fail prior to mallorcas 2nd goal.

I said this before, as bad as Pique was today and he made a lot more mistakes than Chyga did, part of the problem is that Chyga applies no pressure because he's so slow, and it force the rest of the defense to cover more ground.


Improvin' Perfection!!
The first goal that we conceded... had Pique not fucked it up Dima would have cleared it away. Poor Dima, poor Pique as well, he tried but couldn't reach to its height :(


New member
I think today proves again that we're not good with a true flat 4. We play a more stopper-sweeper formation. 07-08 was really bad because of the Puyol-Milito partnership but was good with a Marquez-Milito back. 09-10's starting to show this type of faulty partnership again.

I thought Chiggy was leftie? I guess not...


New member
Give him time.. We all know Caceres deserved more time too but what's done is done. We shouldn't make the same mistake twice.
It wouldn't be the first time a player flopped in his first season at Barca and burst into life in his second.


immaculately conceived
The second goal was centered by Keita not Abidal, I think you got that one wrong or am I wrong :lol:
Keita got a pass from Abidal who received a perfect cross by Chygrynskiy.

That said, here is a bold statement:
He isn't (that much) slower than Piqué regarding sprinting.


Cardenal de Catalunya
he is never going to be good

Umm, right? Did you ever see Chygsy play for Shakhtar? I watched the Ukrainian league for quite a while and he was rock-solid there. It'll just take some time for him to adapt to the pace of La Liga.

Besides, his first game against Getafe was quite of a performance. Getting injured for three weeks didn't really help his integration either. I still have my faith in this giant, and will have as long as he'll be in Barça. Some PTC, si us plau.
He should put that in his CV "Not that much slower than Pique", to bad Pique (while awsome in everything else) is pretty much slow, (not mentally :) )

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