immaculately conceived
Well, the cantera treatment speaks for itself. He gets released slowly into the team, just like any other youth player except Messi. Not completely incomprehensible as he is only still 23 for a defender. And they get pulled back by Pep when he sees it is not going the rigth way. Pedro hasn't been playing a lot since his Tenerife "incident" right? (the first one that mentions 25 mil in a reply should get his ass kicked)???That's great
The Marquez/Henry thing:
Ask pedro. He has been doing far better than Henry btu doesn't get played. Chyg wasn't far better, but didn't do as much stupid stuff as Marquez either. But still Marqs and Tits get to play the lion share of minutes.
They are monuments of the team, have status versus the crowd, have experience with the team and more important I believe: they are in their last year at Barcelona. Plus Skiy Sports has another problem: Milito is doing well also.
i think the standards will tumble next year. And not only in the board with the elections, but also on the pitch.