Douglas Pereira dos Santos

I feel sorry for him, its not his fault that Barca buys him, he probably is under the impression that he will play alot. All he gets is hate, poor guy and not a very varm welcome...


Active member
I think the Lucas Recende tweets were pretty accurate regardless whether or not he accepts other's opinions on things. Some facts just can't be hidden under the rug.

Yes he is getting hated on because the deal is shady as heck. He's probably getting paid a much more decent amount than he did in Sao Paulo though just to go to Barca trainings and hangout with Adriano on the bench.


The Messiah
Whoever gets the #10 jersey will almost certainly be far worse than Messi. Its legacy won't be tarnished because of that. It will, however, be tarnished if the team hands it to a player bought for 4m who has 0 experience in Europe and is set to ride the bench for several years time with a possible appearance (Or two!) on the pitch for the club before he ultimately gets transferred on a free.

You can be rest assured that it won't happen, at least not with the #10. Even then the difference is that Busi took a previously not so significant number and made it his own. The #10 is a legendary number and will only go to the best attacking player.


Senior Member
I don't understand what all the hate is about. Most ppl don't even watch the Brasileirao. Maybe he hasn't been great at São Paulo but reserve your judgement until after you see him play in Lucho's system. Don't judge him and form an opinion about the guy based on what you read and hearsay. Judge him for yourself. Just shows how social media can influence peoples minds but that's another topic. Make your own assessment. How would your reaction be if we bought Alves and Adriano straight from Bahia and Coritiba ?? you wouldn't know them but the locals would have said good things because it's their hometown clubs. I'm sure if we took him straight from Goiás the feedback would be different compared to the Morumbi. It's a cultural thing in Brasil. Today the fans love you, tomorrow they invade the training ground and attack the players. I'm not trying to defend the guy. I'm just saying don't hate before you seem him play in the blaugrana. There's a reason lucho wants him.


New member
Luis Enrique: "Douglas is a player who can cover the whole wing, a typical Brazilian full back. He'll help us in defense and in attack.", no more criticism until he plays.


New member
I don't understand what all the hate is about. Most ppl don't even watch the Brasileirao. Maybe he hasn't been great at São Paulo but reserve your judgement until after you see him play in Lucho's system. Don't judge him and form an opinion about the guy based on what you read and hearsay. Judge him for yourself. Just shows how social media can influence peoples minds but that's another topic. Make your own assessment. How would your reaction be if we bought Alves and Adriano straight from Bahia and Coritiba ?? you wouldn't know them but the locals would have said good things because it's their hometown clubs. I'm sure if we took him straight from Goiás the feedback would be different compared to the Morumbi. It's a cultural thing in Brasil. Today the fans love you, tomorrow they invade the training ground and attack the players. I'm not trying to defend the guy. I'm just saying don't hate before you seem him play in the blaugrana. There's a reason lucho wants him.



New member

Those long "insider" videos are really cool. Douglas seemed very nervous and overwhelmed by the whole atmosphere, but he also seems quite a likeable guy. Hard to put any blame on him for this transfer.

Btw, seems like Bartomeu is talking Spanish against him (not Portugese), I wonder if Douglas speaks any Spanish. But I suppose it's quite easy for Brazilian people to understand Spanish?


Chief Of Footballing Matters
I don't understand what all the hate is about. Most ppl don't even watch the Brasileirao. Maybe he hasn't been great at São Paulo but reserve your judgement until after you see him play in Lucho's system. Don't judge him and form an opinion about the guy based on what you read and hearsay. Judge him for yourself. Just shows how social media can influence peoples minds but that's another topic. Make your own assessment. How would your reaction be if we bought Alves and Adriano straight from Bahia and Coritiba ?? you wouldn't know them but the locals would have said good things because it's their hometown clubs. I'm sure if we took him straight from Goiás the feedback would be different compared to the Morumbi. It's a cultural thing in Brasil. Today the fans love you, tomorrow they invade the training ground and attack the players. I'm not trying to defend the guy. I'm just saying don't hate before you seem him play in the blaugrana. There's a reason lucho wants him.



Active member

Can't stop smiling, seem very excited and it was nice for him to see the history for the team he's about to play for.

Dude has already won me over.

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