Douglas Pereira dos Santos


Yeah, everybody knows he is dog shit.

So it's okay for you to say he's dog shit if you feel sorry for him but if we say it because we're mad that he's part of the club we're villains?

I don't see why we should give Douglas treatment any more special than what we give Pedro, Alves, Cesc (When he was here), and Alexis (First two seasons). A bad player is a bad player. If him being told he sucks by fans of Barca is so much more painful than being told he sucks by fans of Sao Paulo, then maybe he should go back to Sao Paulo. In fact, I'd prefer it if he did, although chances are they don't want him back.

And yes, it is the board's fault. You act as if we're excusing the board entirely when in reality they're the ones we're REALLY mad at. Mad that they fixed our defense with a 31 year old who has fallen to become our worst CB, an injured one who won't even play this season (Edgar IE got his debut first), and for signing this Brazilian who has less quality as a footballer than I do. It's well documented how badly most Culers want them out of the club.

Why should Douglas be immune to the treatment we give any player who is underperforming? Nobody seems to say a word about the mental health of the players I mentioned above who all also received or are receiving hate on similar levels. Seems odd to me. Do you somehow have documented proof that Douglas is mentally fragile, or at least more fragile than the rest of the squad? Or do you think all of our players are losing sleep at night over what the fans think and aren't happy with their lives?


Senior Member
Zangash said:
[quote name="Afro" post=1358904]

Yeah, everybody knows he is dog shit.

So it's okay for you to say he's dog shit if you feel sorry for him but if we say it because we're mad that he's part of the club we're villains?

I don't see why we should give Douglas treatment any more special than what we give Pedro, Alves, Cesc (When he was here), and Alexis (First two seasons). A bad player is a bad player. If him being told he sucks by fans of Barca is so much more painful than being told he sucks by fans of Sao Paulo, then maybe he should go back to Sao Paulo. In fact, I'd prefer it if he did, although chances are they don't want him back.

And yes, it is the board's fault. You act as if we're excusing the board entirely when in reality they're the ones we're REALLY mad at. Mad that they fixed our defense with a 31 year old who has fallen to become our worst CB, an injured one who won't even play this season (Edgar IE got his debut first), and for signing this Brazilian who has less quality as a footballer than I do. It's well documented how badly most Culers want them out of the club.

Why should Douglas be immune to the treatment we give any player who is underperforming? Nobody seems to say a word about the mental health of the players I mentioned above who all also received or are receiving hate on similar levels. Seems odd to me. Do you somehow have documented proof that Douglas is mentally fragile, or at least more fragile than the rest of the squad? Or do you think all of our players are losing sleep at night over what the fans think and aren't happy with their lives?[/quote]


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New member
Why should Douglas be immune to the treatment we give any player who is underperforming?

Because he is not underperforming, he is playing at his current limits. If people give pique shit for playing several levels below his peak standards, they are mad because he has the potential but lacks focus and discipline, so his bad performance is largely self inflicted. Douglas literally can't do anything to close the gap between his current level and what would be required of a barca squad player, probably never, but definitely not within 4 months.

And yes, i do feel sorry for him. It's very easy to play the tough guy on the internet but in reality the majority couldn't emotionally handle speaking in front of 50 people. Now imagine going into a match in front of a 100 000 crowd, and millions of tv watchers and you know the next day you'll be the laughing stock of media and internet. I'm 24 myself and i can say in all honesty after three games i'd have nervous breakdowns before every match. and with respect flavia, so would you and all the other guys who say he has won the lottery.


Staff member
"Nervous breakdowns" :lol:

I'd be f.. ecstatic to get payed to train with Messi and co.

You should feel sorry for the club for having to stoop to the level of fielding an unworthy player. There's absolutely nothing, zero, to be sorry for.
Tell you what, if someone could offer him a proper job. Wake up 7AM, put in 8 hour shift for a regular pay, would you think he'd accept it in exchange for his current status.
Please, save your sorry for those who need it.


Staff member
I doubt he's mentally challenged. He knows he doesn't belong here. And with that knowledge he still puts a smile on his face and plays with Barca players.
It's as if someone sent you a cake by mistake. You know it's not yours but you still put on a smile and eat it.

  • [*=center]:cry:


Because he is not underperforming, he is playing at his current limits. If people give pique shit for playing several levels below his peak standards, they are mad because he has the potential but lacks focus and discipline, so his bad performance is largely self inflicted. Douglas literally can't do anything to close the gap between his current level and what would be required of a barca squad player, probably never, but definitely not within 4 months.

He's nowhere near good enough for Barca, and if that means he doesn't perform when he plays, he's underperforming.

I find it weird that you use Pique as an example when I didn't even list Pique as a player that receives a lot of hate. Go to the Sergi Roberto thread and behold the magnificence that is a player underperforming who is still performing at his current limits. Go check out the Cesc pages from when he was here and behold the hate. Take a dip into the Dani Alves or Pedro Rodriguez sections and behold these once legendary players getting almost universally panned over how sharp their declines were. There is nothing Roberto can do to close the gap between him and Rafinha, Rakatic, Iniesta, etc. and there is nothing Pedro can do to catch up with Messi, Neymar, and Suarez, and there is nothing Alves can do to stop being such shit in general with no competition (Lol...), so why not feel sorry for them as well?

And yes, i do feel sorry for him. It's very easy to play the tough guy on the internet but in reality the majority couldn't emotionally handle speaking in front of 50 people. Now imagine going into a match in front of a 100 000 crowd, and millions of tv watchers and you know the next day you'll be the laughing stock of media and internet. I'm 24 myself and i can say in all honesty after three games i'd have nervous breakdowns before every match. and with respect flavia, so would you and all the other guys who say he has won the lottery.

I can speak in front of 50 people easily. Public speaking is a required course in college and my classes can come close to 200+ people sometimes. I don't see what that has to do with playing in front of large groups, though. You do realize that, despite it seeming the contrary, that Douglas was actually a professional footballer prior to signing for Barca, right? It's not like he's gone from playing on Sundays in front of his and his teammate's moms to playing in the Camo Nou (Which he hasn't yet and probably shouldn't) or anything. And once again, he is USED to being a laughing stock. It's all he was at Sao Paulo. By now he's undoubtedly figured out how to faze it out or ignore it. The only difference is instead of being laughed at by SP supporters and Brazil media he's being laughed at by Cules and Spanish/Catalan media having a lifestyle 10 times better than what he had before.


"Nervous breakdowns" :lol:

I'd be f.. ecstatic to get payed to train with Messi and co.

You should feel sorry for the club for having to stoop to the level of fielding an unworthy player. There's absolutely nothing, zero, to be sorry for.
Tell you what, if someone could offer him a proper job. Wake up 7AM, put in 8 hour shift for a regular pay, would you think he'd accept it in exchange for his current status.
Please, save your sorry for those who need it.

Spot on.


New member
Because he is not underperforming, he is playing at his current limits. If people give pique shit for playing several levels below his peak standards, they are mad because he has the potential but lacks focus and discipline, so his bad performance is largely self inflicted. Douglas literally can't do anything to close the gap between his current level and what would be required of a barca squad player, probably never, but definitely not within 4 months.

And yes, i do feel sorry for him. It's very easy to play the tough guy on the internet but in reality the majority couldn't emotionally handle speaking in front of 50 people. Now imagine going into a match in front of a 100 000 crowd, and millions of tv watchers and you know the next day you'll be the laughing stock of media and internet. I'm 24 myself and i can say in all honesty after three games i'd have nervous breakdowns before every match. and with respect flavia, so would you and all the other guys who say he has won the lottery.

Well Douglas would have to imagine that 100 000 crowd too since he hasn't played any home games. Heusca's stadium seats 5000 ffs :lol: This is nothing like me or you being plucked from obscurity. Douglas has over 200 professional games under his belt and his previous team had a nearly 70 000 capacity stadium. Big crowd+ mass criticism would be nothing new for him. Only difference is it would more bearable now than back in Brazil since he is now living a dream/fairy tale life.


Professor Balthazar
"Nervous breakdowns" :lol:

I'd be f.. ecstatic to get payed to train with Messi and co.

You should feel sorry for the club for having to stoop to the level of fielding an unworthy player. There's absolutely nothing, zero, to be sorry for.
Tell you what, if someone could offer him a proper job. Wake up 7AM, put in 8 hour shift for a regular pay, would you think he'd accept it in exchange for his current status.
Please, save your sorry for those who need it.

"but, but, but Bojan - it's not all about money you know. Douglas has feelings, he's a human being goddamnit!" :lol:
People really need to check themselves before they wreck themselves. Either the majority of Barca forum were born with a silver spoon in their mouth and never had to lift a finger to pay the rent or there is something twilightzone'ish going on. I freaking have to work 40-50 hour weeks, sometimes I start 6.30 and I freaking live in Sweden (it's cold I'm telling you). There is always a risk hanging over me some global company will buy the company I work for and kick me to the curb cause' they have to rationalise/streamline/outsource or sometin'.
I'm also sad and depressed sometimes, none of you care about my feelings :cry: haha. This whole "ohhh I feel sorry for Douglas" discussion has gone long overboard!!! If he isn't suicidal and reads this forum every day than I don't give a singel **** and neither should YOU.


Barçapocalypse NOW!
"but, but, but Bojan - it's not all about money you know. Douglas has feelings, he's a human being goddamnit!" :lol:
People really need to check themselves before they wreck themselves. Either the majority of Barca forum were born with a silver spoon in their mouth and never had to lift a finger to pay the rent or there is something twilightzone'ish going on. I freaking have to work 40-50 hour weeks, sometimes I start 6.30 and I freaking live in Sweden (it's cold I'm telling you). There is always a risk hanging over me some global company will buy the company I work for and kick me to the curb cause' they have to rationalise/streamline/outsource or sometin'.
I'm also sad and depressed sometimes, none of you care about my feelings :cry: haha. This whole "ohhh I feel sorry for Douglas" discussion has gone long overboard!!! If he isn't suicidal and reads this forum every day than I don't give a singel **** and neither should YOU.

You're a liar, you are swedish so that means you are born rich by default... No sympathy for you! Hahaha!


New member
Douglas is terrible. But i´m not angry with the lad. The culprits are the ones who bought him and the one who plays him....


New member
If he isn't suicidal and reads this forum every day than I don't give a singel **** and neither should YOU.

I don't know, empathizing with people comes quite naturally to me, especially if they play for the club i support. but i suppose the daily struggle for survival in cold sweden has made you harder than that, hm?

Bojan, if you don't mind me asking, are you a confident person with self respect who takes pride in his abilities at work? because I am, and when i say i feel sorry for douglas, it is because those things are obviously denied to him while he plays for us, and for myself, no salary in the world is worth that. Maybe he even shares your opinion and thinks he's the luckiest bastard in the world. I'd still pity him in that case though, that's just my world view.


New member
So I just watched the recorded full match and (please don't kill me) I don't believe he was that bad. In fact before that horrible mistake I thought he played better than Alves recently with pretty much zero match practice. Sure it was just Huesca, but other established 1st teamers made a lot of mistakes against that 3rd level team too.

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