Douglas Pereira dos Santos


Super Saiyan
To be fair, he got an offer from FCB. He accepted it and now he is here.

He might be mediocre at best, but he is here now. We should this guy our support, it is a mental hell for him right now.


New member


Neymar Sr. André Curry, and Douglas laugh at your tears. I'm staggered that anyone could actually feel bad for someone who has won the lottery. He hasn't even been booed or anything (Lucho conveniently plays him away from home) so the worst thing that has happened to him is a few opinion pieces in sports papers and criticism on the internet which he probably doesn't read anyway .


To be fair, he got an offer from FCB. He accepted it and now he is here.

He might be mediocre at best, but he is here now. We should this guy our support, it is a mental hell for him right now.

No, we should not. We don't have to say "amen" to everything this board do. They are destroying everything. Douglas needs to go. I don't rate Montoya that much, but it's unbelievable, to me, that he is leaving because of douglas. If anyone deserves support, is Martin.

I wouldn't boo Douglas personally, but I won't support him either. Because I fear for my club, next season. Imagine if we have only douglas and adriano at rb. And adriano gets injured, right before the clasico. And douglas plays against cr. He was owned by 3rd division players. I really don't want to imagine what would happen were he to face real competition.


It seems you're not getting my point.

We signed a medicore (at best) player because of reasons we all don't know but it's clear as day that he wasn't signed for sporting reasons. How does a player like Douglas feel when a club like Barcelona calls you? You feel proud and there absolutely no chance that you would reject such an offer.
Douglas arrived and everyone bashed him before he even could play a game and hardly anyone gave him a chance. He kissed the Barca badge, talked about a dream while every Culé went crazy on the internet. Fair enough.
He played the first game vs Malaga and he wasn't good nor bad. He was nervous and didn't risk much -> Everyone went crazy and bashed him again although he wasn't even that bad. Yesterday, he had an awful game and the criticizm is fair, I don't disagree BUT
Why do people have to bash him everytime he touches a ball. He is a medicore player, he probably knows it but there is no reason to bash him as a player. He accepted an offer from us + we said that we scouted him for 2 years.
I'm 100% certain that he tries everything to impress us, that he gives his all to prove that he has at least a little chance here. Of course it's not enough but how unfair is it to insult and bash a player who desperately tries to impress and who gives his very best for the club. We nor he can't change the fact that he is medicore but he is at least trying. It's not his fault that he is here, it's the board's fault.

And of course you don't have anything productive to say about my comparison with Messi because in principle it's the same.
Why is Messi even unhapp? Why does he care about propaganda from Madrid? Why does he care about the current situation about the club?
To quote you: ''The compensation he is getting surel makes up for it.''
It's pretty shocking that so many people think that a few nice cars and money easily compensate everything in life. This guy is a footballer who receives hate every single day. He looks lost and desperate because it's impossible for him to prove everyone wrong but hey, at least he has an Audi. This way of thinking is beyond ridiculous and I've never expected that so many people think like that but Flavia, you're probably right. The enormous amount of hate is nothing compared to money and cars :)

I would not say we have to blame him or something but yes he is in the mix of complain department. He knows his own limited potential, did he ask himself why he was chosen to be Dani Alves successor? Did he think he will add any value to this club? did he questioned himself if he has what it takes to be a Barcelona player. No, It's not like winning a lottery like some of you look at it. It's high profile job and he will be questioned by media and fans and will be under pressure if he doesn't deliver.

I can't accept a job knowing that I can't fulfill its requirement cuz it gonna backfire soon. In this regard he is guilty as charged.


Senior Member
See my last post. And you have no idea what the situation with Montoya is, anything otherwise is pure conjecture. Maybe MM is in fact a money grabbing bastard and his agent has made ridiculous demands regarding wages in a new contract? Who knows? If it were as simple as Montoya not being played because LE is being a headstrong prick, then I'd feel sorry for him, because he is a decent young player and should be playing. However, you just don't know. And all this hate on LE is getting a bit ridiculous, there is no way on Earth that LE is playing Douglas over Montoya for footballing reasons. It's basic deduction and logic.

Again, you're basing this purely on finances. Money isn't everything. If someone was consistently lambasting you at your job, it'd get a bit tiresome, and probably get annoying after a while, no? Should footballers' mental health be nothing more than a minor footnote because they're getting paid ridiculous sums of money compared to the average person?

It's obvious that the board are moving Montoya on come January, any risk of an injury should be avoided in their eyes because MM is a sellable asset, and also taking up space on the wage bill. And we all know how much this current board are obsessed with money.

Good God, talk about an over-reaction. You're making out like LE is some clueless non-entity who has never approached professional football in his life. I will be the first to admit that the start to our season hasn't been great, despite our relatively good record. Our style of play leaves a lot to be desired and LE isn't all there tactically at the moment. But it's early days, this club has been spoiled by recent successes. Some things don't happen overnight. As for your point, see what I wrote above.

Why the hell are you bringing Mourinho into this? :lol: The English media is nowhere near as intense as it is in Spain, and even at that, comparing the current situation to a manager with a notorious reputation of handling media pressure like he is sweeping dust off his jacket lapel is bizarre.

Continuously pointing out how awful he is is just tiresome. Not aimed specifically at you by the way, more of a generalisation towards this thread. Yeah, everybody knows he is dog shit. Instead of bringing it up every time, taking a look at the shady activities of our illustrious board would be far more pro-active.

Well, judging by the latest rumours, he is off in January to England, Germany or Italy. Clubs who actually scout (nice dig at Zubi there) will remember the good performances he has put in when has played.

What new contract?he just renewed his contract last year preferring better offers elsewhere to prove himself with Barca ,which probably meant the board actually convinced him he has future and he has to be patient just to find this shit with Lucho
And the whole feel sorry is bad argument ,fans hate for players when they aren't performing is in footballers job description .it isn't only money and fame but they will always be pushed by fans and media when they aren't good enough
I've never seen anyone feel sorry for guys like Heskey or Bendtner and Douglas isn't even trolled 1% of them

Madara Uchiha

He's a mediocre Brazilian league player who is playing for one of Europe's top clubs and earning millions of euros a year. Poor guy :(

Flavia said it best. The situation is not his fault, and I don't have any hatred towards him, but there's certainly no reason to feel sorry for him. He won the freaking lottery. If anything, I'm jealous of him. Tbh, I think everyone here should be. I bet he isn't that much better a footballer than most of the posters here yet he's playing for Barca earning more in a year than any of us will earn in a lifetime.

If the transfer ban stands, we need to renew Alves. If not, ship Douglas' ass out and get a new RB or 2. Actually, I'd get rid of him even if the transfer ban stands. The B team RBs are probably better than he is.
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Active member
Watched the game today and what I saw from him is sad and funny. Dont know whats happening here but this player is not the half player montoya is and montoya himself isnt even good enough as it seems. They should go all to hell for this. Who will replace dani if he leaves or gets injured??? God help us if the ban stands... It makes even no sense to play with a rb just play 4 or 3 cbs.. Its like an invisble spot....


Wild Man of Borneo
The principle is not the same. Not even close. Douglas doesn't have a history here, didn't play here all his life, starting from the bottom. If it was any other club, he'd be giving all the "100%" you think he gives. And he doesn't get hate every single day. He was basicly ignored here for quite a while. And money, in his situation, surely means a lot now. It would mean to anyone. He went from making 10 to 1.000.000. He knew very well he would never make it here. He came only for the money, and to live in europe. Or are you so naive you think there aren't players like that? That his dream was to be a star for FCB? Please.

I don't know where you get you "100% certainty" that he tries everything to impress anyone. I doubt he gives a shit about impressing fans, or anything of the sort. He is securing his family future. Nothing wrong with that, but this speech of "feeling sorry" is quite bizarre.

"He kissed the Barça badge" - really? That's an argument now? That was pure hipocrisy from him, to begin with. If you were fooled by that, and his speech, I'm sorry. He was trained to say and do that, and he surely didn't mean it. I'm surprised you thought any of that was true. He would had kissed any badge, and said the same things about any other top european team who were dumb enough to sign him.

You can't really assume Douglas's motives were purely monetary, footballers go into the sport with dreams of playing on the grandest stage and he got what is basically a one in a million chance (I equate Barca signing him to be just a step or two above Barca signing a random civilian who follows football). Playing professional football is at least as much about sporting ego and ambition as it is about money (unless you're like Falcao). I don't feel sorry for him because he isn't really 'suffering' but there is a struggle that he faces of not belonging where he is and you have to acknowledge that it exists at the very least. Not disagreeing with you on this but you do have to understand that there is another side.

One thing I do disagree with is the notion of financial luxury compensating for emotional stress. I won't make the steep assumption that he's a sensitive and sincere guy but if he were to be, there's absolutely no way that he'd feel less pressure, insecurity, and self-doubt just because he has an Audi and boosted salary. Those things operate on entirely different wavelengths and one doesn't compensate for the other. It's along the same principle of how grief settlements/compensations don't make up for the loss of a loved one in wrongful death cases. Obviously that's a blown up scenario, but if Douglas is hurt emotionally then money isn't the solution for that.
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You can't really assume Douglas's motives were purely monetary, footballers go into the sport with dreams of playing on the grandest stage and he got what is basically a one in a million chance (I equate Barca signing him to be just a step or two above Barca signing a random civilian who follows football). Playing professional football is at least as much about sporting ego and ambition as it is about money (unless you're like Falcao). I don't feel sorry for him because he isn't really 'suffering' but there is a struggle that he faces of not belonging where he is and you have to acknowledge that it exists at the very least. Not disagreeing with you on this but you do have to understand that there is another side.

One thing I do disagree with is the notion of financial luxury compensating for emotional stress. I won't make the steep assumption that he's a sensitive and sincere guy but if he were to be, there's absolutely no way that he'd feel less pressure, insecurity, and self-doubt just because he has an Audi and boosted salary. Those things operate on entirely different wavelengths and one doesn't compensate for the other. It's along the same principle of how grief settlements/compensations don't make up for the loss of a loved one in wrongful death cases. Obviously that's a blown up scenario, but if Douglas is hurt emotionally then money isn't the solution for that.

Of course he came for the money. Not that he had much of a choice, as traffic owned his rights. But the surprise on his face, on his presentantion, when Zubi said he had been "scouted" for a while(which I think was a blatant lie), was enough for me to realize he knew he wasn't there for sporting reasons. This was a shady deal, and I'd be surprised if he isn't aware of everything. He was probably told to go to bcn, cash his checks, while Traffic got what they wanted. Brazilian football is corrupted to the bone, and players learn to deal with that early on, or they don't progress with their careers.

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