Edinson Cavani



Super Mario :worthy:

Remember people saying Bayern "ripped off" Atletico with that transfer before this season? :lol:

People really want to believe that Atletico will swap Mandzu for Cavani? :lol:

And if they sell Koke to fund Cavani's transfer, who will create chances for Cavani? :lol:


He was great but the finishing always lets him down. Sad to see as he's a top player.


New member
  • - 2 weeks ago, L'Equipe revealed that ATM was very interested in signing Cavani.
  • - Right after, that rumor was debunked by the spanish press.
  • - But last Friday, Oscar Ortega from ATM confirmed to Mundo Deportivo that the club is trying hard to sign Cavani. Saying that "Yes, it's true we are interested. We hope it will happen when you consider how much he can do for the us, and also for his own sake..."
  • - On satudary, the website Voz Populi published an exclusive news that an agreement was found last thursday between ATM and PSG. They wrote that ATM will pay 46M euros as fee, and that Cavani will earn 11M euros in salary.


Senior Member
The Atlético-Cavani rumour starting look concrete. Mandžukić and Arda to depart, then. Primera 'll miss the latter if that were so. :(

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