Eric Abidal


No Robinho please... I'm getting pretty scared now that we're after him (according to the rumours).
What an absolute jerk he is.


Staff member
It's not. Check on our official website.

What is it with your official website. It´s not the first time they are responding to rumours. A bit unprofessional to address them, imo.

Back on topic: I think Abidal is just an average left back. But the real question is: Where do you find a better one that is affordable and available?


What is it with your official website. It´s not the first time they are responding to rumours. A bit unprofessional to address them, imo.

Well they don't do it very often and we don't have the luxury of doing it through a biased paper like yourselves and Real. :p
The only other example where we've dismissed rumours is when The Sun :rolleyes: said we're bidding 120 million for Messi

Back on topic: I think Abidal is just an average left back. But the real question is: Where do you find a better one that is affordable and available?

Abidal would walk into most top teams first XI imo. Some of you Barca fans are spoilt! I'd love to have him here.


Well they don't do it very often and we don't have the luxury of doing it through a biased paper like yourselves and Real. :p
The only other example where we've dismissed rumours is when The Sun :rolleyes: said we're bidding 120 million for Messi

Abidal would walk into most top teams first XI imo. Some of you Barca fans are spoilt! I'd love to have him here.

Seriously? I mean I can accept there are fans of Abidal, even with my views on him, but you'd love to have him there? Really??? I'd hate to have him in my team....oh wait, sadly he is =[.

Cant we get Felipe?


Come on, your exaggerating now Jordzi! Abidal ain't that bad. He's quite decent and manages to get the job done.. most of the time.


He's blind Evil. I wouldn't take Jordzi's football talk for real.

Clearly the fact that I have a particular dislike for Abidal and you dont agree with my opinions on football related talk makes me blind.......


Staff member
Praise where it's due. Abidal had a good game in Valencia. In fact he was one of the few Barca players (Valdes, Pique) who were up for the task.


Senior Member
what's up Abidal haters?You don't wanna admit he improved a lot this season,i bet you didn't watch match against Valencia.If he was bad before it doesn't mean he can't improve,nor being good means you can't get worse,like you dear,lovley Alves did,he didn't have a decent match this season...comparing to his teammate from left side...


Senior Member
exactly Zanela!

Abidal haters r always here when he plays bad(that's rarely:D ) but when he does one:D

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