86 goals in 89 games Dortmund
Best goals per minutes ratio in Bundesliga History .
Fastest player to score 20 Champions League goals
That post reminds me of the time when Luca Toni was playing football
and people would post his goal tally to justify Barcelona going for him.
Would Luca Toni EVER fit to Barca's playstyle???
A goal tally alone says close to nothing.
Then, if you want more analysis:
When Haaland to Barca was hot (around February), I analyzed the vid with his 86 goals at Dortmund, one by one.
Most of them were tap-ins or easy 1-1. Not a single finish where he directs the ball in-between defenders' legs towards the corner of the net,
like Ansu does, or like Lewa does
You could also easily see watching all his 86 goals how he fits only a counter-attacking team, when he has acres of spaces in front of him to run into.
Thank God we dodged a serious bullet with him!