Don Andrésº8
New member
We need a new coach im saying this for more than a year
We need a new coach im saying this for more than a year
One of the biggest things he's ignoring is how certain players cannot play together anymore.
And even Suarez-Messi it seems.
Like Valverde raises concerns after the match talking about how we struggled to create chances or how defensively vulnerable we were in the said match as well. Has he really looked at the Gala XI for a minute and realize that some players cannot effectively play together as they use to anymore?
I mean fucking hell it happened with Xavi-Busi-Iniesta, they tore teams to shreds during the pep era but as time went on the Midfield became weaker as Xavi was losing his legs and Iniesta was struggling for form as well in a number of occasions we became more defensively vulnerable.
Hell Lucho even saw this and decided to phase out Xavi and brought in Rakitic to help add Steel to the Midfield and make use of Iniesta who still had legs and Busi and we won the treble that same season and the double the following year.
Pique-Roberto is another big weak point. If you had the 2014/15 and 2015/16 Pique that duo could work but with Pique's problems and Roberto's is a terrible defender we are going to struggle on the right side with teams putting numbers there and targeting the both of them.
It's 2018 and it's painfully obvious now what worked a couple of seasons ago no longer works. If you want to play Busi you cannot play Rakitic and vice versa. If you want to play Pique you need to pair him up with a RB who has the pace and energy to help mask his problems and if you want to play Roberto you need a CB who is good in 1v1 duels and is comfortable defending wide spaces.
This crap isn't rocket science anyone could spot this from a mile away.
it's not just creativity, but the lack of intensity was astonishing. One thing I liked about Lucho's team was that there was intensity in most of the games, a bit of urgency. EV is not the man who can inject that passion and fighting spirit. He's too calm for me as a Barca coach.
the sad thing is that the leganes game was supposed to be our easiest game....this is what's next for valverde:
I hope he gets his ass exposed ala Raga Benitez in 2015 and we get our own voodoo merchant!
what exact system is he trying to implement? it's apparent when watching the likes of klopp at liverpool or sarri at chelsea, but what is this guy doing? how is barcas attack so putrid with the likes of messi, cou, dembele, suarez and malcom at his disposal?