EURO 2016 Qualifying


New member
It was a stupid and senseless thing to do but let's not act as if a flag would somehow justify throwing fist-sized stones, pyros and even chairs at the players and storming the pitch to beat them up, not to mention that the Serbian fans chanted "kill Albanians" throughout the entire match.

It's not the first time something like this happens in Serbia, they have a history of such incidents because of their brainless, moronic fans and I actually feel bad for their players because they have to go through something like that in every qualifier. Every time I watch a tense football match and see people acting in a stupid way, i.e. making insulting gestures, I can't help but think that the scum of the society often gathers in football stadiums, and Serbia is one of the most extreme cases.

By the way, Olsi Rama already denied he had anything to do with it, saying that the Albanians were all thouroughly searched before the game.


The Culest
Ppl are forgetting the racial abuse of Danny Rose in Serbia. Sorry to sound hateful, but Serbia seems like place where there's an unlimited supply of moronic scum. They should be either be banned from hosting any international matches or all their matches should be in an empty stadium.


New member
Yeah right, a prime minister would control a drone from the stadium :lol:
Some three random douchebags did it and confessed. The fight itself looks like quite a misunderstanding, the Serbian player just wanted to get it off the field and accidentally stepped on the flag, the Albanian players got offended and started with the pushing and shoving and then the primitive Serbian "fans" who were just looking for an excuse to fight started throwing things and throwing punches. Even the freaking security harrased and beat the Albanian players all the way to the dressing rooms. Some of the Serbian players like Kolarov wanted to help by escorting them and telling the fans to back off, but one can't reason with these hooligans.
But that's the Balkans for you, these types of things unfortunately happen way too often around these parts, just last week there was an incident with a keeper punching a ref in the face, and not too long ago in the Bosnian league fans stormed the pich and beat up three referees while chanting about how they are going to kill them...


Senior Member
Ppl are forgetting the racial abuse of Danny Rose in Serbia. Sorry to sound hateful, but Serbia seems like place where there's an unlimited supply of moronic scum. They should be either be banned from hosting any international matches or all their matches should be in an empty stadium.

I think the most telling part about the whole thing was the way that the Serbian officials claimed it never happened, not to mention the ones that jumped in to fight. It's probably not that Serbians are somehow worse than anyone else, it's that their FA doesn't seem too bothered about it. They'd rather try and protect their reputation by denying it than actually trying to stop it happening.
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New member
Is there some serbian or albanian users to explain their point of view and who is to blame ?

The organizers of the match (serbian part) are the ones to blame for not having the minimum security needed for the Albanian players during the match. How are serbs going to argue about anything regarding that scandal when there is a lot of material (videos and photos) clearly showing that Albania's players got attacked from the hooligans invading the pitch, and what is the most pathetic thing in all this is that the "police" and the "security" did nothing to prevent this, moreover, they were kind of encouraging the hooligans to invade the pitch and attack Albania's players, there are also photos and videos of security stewards attacking Albanian players... beyond pathetic.

If you can't ensure security in the stadium, then do not organize matches, simply. Outsource that job, or let your national team play in a neutral location, where others will handle the security stuff.

That drone was just a drone with a flag and nothing much, harmless object flying around, just like throwing a balloon. Besides, the match got suspended way before the drone entered the stadium, as the hooligans were throwing pyrotechnics and different heavy objects in the field towards the Albanian players, and one could clearly see that whenever they were taking a corner kick or a throw in.

This is beyond pathetic, it is crazy. The Serbian national federation should be banned for life for this shameful act, un-professional and violent acts, that do not belong to the beautiful game of football. SHAME !


New member
That drone was just a drone with a flag and nothing much, harmless object flying around, just like throwing a balloon.

that is complete nonsense. of course there is a difference between throwing a balloon on the pitch and landing a flag with an extremely provocative political message to the home crowd.

in hindsight the fss should have excluded all fans, not only the albanians and they are definitely to blame for the security holes or why guys like ivan bogdanov were in the stadium. But if the uefa does not consider that the flag and the behaviour of the albanian players escalated the situation and serbia is punished alone, then in the future any guest team or fans can provoke the home crowd until they riot and take three points by default. in a scenario like this there can never be only one who gets punished.


Culé de Celestial Empire
that is complete nonsense. of course there is a difference between throwing a balloon on the pitch and landing a flag with an extremely provocative political message to the home crowd.

in hindsight the fss should have excluded all fans, not only the albanians and they are definitely to blame for the security holes or why guys like ivan bogdanov were in the stadium. But if the uefa does not consider that the flag and the behaviour of the albanian players escalated the situation and serbia is punished alone, then in the future any guest team or fans can provoke the home crowd until they riot and take three points by default. in a scenario like this there can never be only one who gets punished.

This. To say the drone and the stupid banner are harmless is absurd. Also, I have not seen any evidence showing the game was suspended before the drone and banner descended on the stadium, nor did I see any photos showing Serbian security personnel attacking Alabian players.

That said, I don't disagree that it was largely the fault of the Serbian organizers for allowing the situation to go out of control like that.


New member
that is complete nonsense. of course there is a difference between throwing a balloon on the pitch and landing a flag with an extremely provocative political message to the home crowd.

in hindsight the fss should have excluded all fans, not only the albanians and they are definitely to blame for the security holes or why guys like ivan bogdanov were in the stadium. But if the uefa does not consider that the flag and the behaviour of the albanian players escalated the situation and serbia is punished alone, then in the future any guest team or fans can provoke the home crowd until they riot and take three points by default. in a scenario like this there can never be only one who gets punished.

There were racist chants for the whole game before the flag incident, there is no other crowd that would have reacted this way to a mere provocation, and if the Albanian players' behaviour escalated the situation then you could say the same thing about every derby, by your logic it would have been justified if Barça fans invaded the stadium in every Clásico under Mourinho and wanted to beat up the players or threw stones or pyros at them. It was just a brawl and the Serbian players even protected the Albanians after this, insignificant like the 1 Albanian flag compared to the dozens of fascist Serbian flags in the crowd. Serbia is at least 95% responsible for this and I would be surprised if Albania didn't get the 3 points.


Staff member
of course there is a difference between throwing a balloon on the pitch and landing a flag with an extremely provocative political message to the home crowd.

Albanians making it sound like it was just a harmless balloon is beyond pathetic

Albanians flew a drone into Serbian tadium with an extremist flag. Not Albanian flag. Fascist flag containing territories of 3 independent states outside Albania. It was a planned provocation from Albanians and it worked.
Imagine someone flying a nazi flag into Israeli stadium. That's about that.


New member
Albanians flew a drone into Serbian stadium with an extremist flag. Not Albanian flag. Fascist flag containing territories of 3 independent states outside Albania. It was a planned provocation from Albanians and it worked.
Imagine someone flying a nazi flag into Israeli stadium. That's about that.

Again, there were dozens of fascist Serbian flags as well that the Serbian supporters carried but I guess that doesn't count because they're at home? Nothing justifies this reaction from the fans, as said it was a stupid provocation but if anything they had the right to do that after 40 minutes of "Ubij Ubij Siptar", the flag is insignificant to the 100s of worse things the Serbian fans did, and if it's really as bad flying a Nazi flag into an Israeli stadium I guess I didn't pay attention in history, can't remember Albanians killing millions of Serbians.
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New member
Everyone can make a drone fly over a stadium, it's the easiest thing. That doesn't mean that it was a planned provocation from Albanians. I agree that the flag was containing territories of other states and that's dumb. But what fascism and nazi flags you are talking about? Watch the Serbian crowd and you will see fascism..


Staff member
Yes, there's a difference between crowd flying nationalistic flags at home stadium and someone planning to fly a drone with a fascist flag to provoke riots and then play victims. What if Serbians did the same in Albania.
Everyone who supports fascist extremists can do that somewhere else. I won't have it here at BarcaForum.

Thread closed temporarily before people get banned for supporting extremism and fascism.


Poland still top the group, decent performance by the lads againt Goergia that could've caused a lot of problems after all.

Lewandowski is really a world class man, all of the goals went through him first. Great captain, great leader.

With Kuba coming off an injury we should be even stronger.


Senior Member
Romania just won and finish this year as 1'st in their group.


Lol wtf is happening with Grece , last in the group , only 1 point and just lost to Feroe Islands :lol:

Any greek brahs here ?

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