European Super League


Senior Member
FIFA and Uefa are corrupt and pretend to care and sell us slogans. Champions League lost it's meaning long time ago when they allowed 4th team from France to compete while pushing away national champions from other leagues. Who are they kidding? All about money and nothing to do about protecting heritage or whatever.

People just want to watch top football. In this battle big clubs will always win against idiots from fifa or Uefa. Superleague is just a final step in rich will get richer reality.

The same teams winning the league over the course of a decade for like 4 out of the 5 top leagues. Meaning the same teams show up each year during the KO rounds. Group stages are a joke, because of the gap between strong leagues and the rest.

A team is declining? It's okay, spend 300m over the course of two summers and we're back. Screw long term development and squad building. Screw the players representing the local community.

Football's been dead for a long time.


Well-known member
Some type of super league could be good if done right. Most domestic leagues are boring af nowadays. The fact that it's being driven by billionaire owners for financial reasons rather than for sporting reasons makes me skeptical of these proposals though.


Well-known member
20 years ago it was a fair system - you finish 3rd in your league, you go play in the UEFA Cup, because that's what you deserve. And then still there was a lot of money involved in sponsorship, because clubs played other giants in the final stages. Nowadays Europa League is like this shithole you play to just get the free ticket to the group stages of Champions League. No glory in winning that, because if you just focus on finishing 4th in Bundesliga still brings the same. Basically the exit ticket for post-glory clubs like Arsenal and Milan.

El Flaco

Active member
[Simon Stone] ESL statement: "Twelve of Europe’s leading football clubs have today come together to announce they have agreed to establish a new mid-week competition, the Super League, governed by its Founding Clubs.

"AC Milan, Arsenal, Atletico Madrid, Chelsea, Barcelona, Inter Milan, Juventus, Liverpool, Man City, Man Utd, Real Madrid and Tottenham Hotspur have all joined as founding clubs. Anticipated further 3 clubs will join ahead of the inaugural season, intended to commence asap."

What happened? I am asking unironically, I was born in '96. I always thought that the Premier League was sort of a rebranding of the English League..

EPL was never rebranded from anything.

The top teams in English First Division one wanted a bigger share of the money & increased TV-revenues (same thing driving this now).

They actually threatened to leave English First Division back then too, but were dissuaded. FA later created the Premier League.


Senior Member
While I don't like the idea of this league, let's not pretend UEFA/FIFA are hallowed standard bearers of moral conduct. It's just they are a less worse option compared to this shit show.

UEFA has too much of a controlling stake as it stands.

Sure, FIFA and UEFA are corrupted, but they are still in the right side here.
It is like government vs big companies, you know the former are corrupt but do you want them to take over the societies and legislations?


Senior Member
Florentino Perez (European Super President): "We will help take football to its rightful place, football is the only world sport with more than four billion fans and our responsibility as big clubs is to respond to their wishes."

Signing on to a pact and league headed by Flo. :lol: What a travesty.


Well-known member
Wonder if this makes Messi want to leave for PSG.

If FIFA bans players from European Super League fans from playing for their national team, Messi wont want to stay at Barca.

te amo barca

Blaugrana al vent
I guess Laporta was forced to sign this due to our financial crisis. Interesting how this pans out, going to be a shitstorm.


Well-known member
I don’t get why people are so upset. Maybe the CL has a more interesting format(though we do not know the exact format of the SL yet),but this is just the natural progression of the sport,for better or worse.

The big clubs obviously want to make more money,it’s been the case more and more lately.

Even CL is obviously a money-grab compared to the original Champions Cup(pre 1990s)

And obviously everyone will tune in,because we are going to get some huge matches almost on a weekly basis.

Also I doubt that UEFA,FIFA etc will do anything :lol:

If they ban the clubs from the domestic leagues,they will basically ban the 12(or 15 by the end) biggest clubs in the world. What will the average fan prefer? A derby between european giants or Levante vs Valencia :lol:

And if they ban the players from their national duty,then like 80% of the worlds’ greatest players will be affected.Good luck promoting the WC without them :lol:


New member
I don?t get why people are so upset. Maybe the CL has a more interesting format(though we do not know the exact format of the SL yet),but this is just the natural progression of the sport,for better or worse.

The big clubs obviously want to make more money,it?s been the case more and more lately.

Even CL is obviously a money-grab compared to the original Champions Cup(pre 1990s)

And obviously everyone will tune in,because we are going to get some huge matches almost on a weekly basis.

Also I doubt that UEFA,FIFA etc will do anything :lol:

If they ban the clubs from the domestic leagues,they will basically ban the 12(or 15 by the end) biggest clubs in the world. What will the average fan prefer? A derby between european giants or Levante vs Valencia :lol:

And if they ban the players from their national duty,then like 80% of the worlds? greatest players will be affected.Good luck promoting the WC without them :lol:

This is an embarrassing point of view and frankly, completely misunderstanding the spirit of football and Barcelona FC. We are a club built by the people, for the people. We are also not built unilaterally. All of La Liga helped to build Barcelona, just as they did Real/Atleti and other historic clubs in Spain. This is a slap in the face for them, for the founders of our great club and most of all to our fans.

You may prefer soulless glamour ties every week but I'll pass on that. I'll stop watching and supporting Barcelona if they continue down this route.

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