FC Barcelona B (Barça Atlètic)


Senior Member
Samper absolutely needs to be loaned to La Liga team. Depends on who else is interested but Sporting would be a good club for him.

I'd keep Gumbau in Barca B for another season. I don't think he has a future in first team but is still useful and has some experience. We can't change half of the B team again.

Don't know if Kaptoum is ready to play in La Liga. Would keep him in Barca B or maybe loan him to some Segunda team.

I would want some stability in the team ,but it always for everyone interest to do what is the best for every player
Samper is leaving anyway,not sure about Gumbau. he is versatile and a guy who would do whatever coach asks from him.We played him a lot as CB and considering that line won't undergo many changes I might let him go on loan.
Kaptoum is an interesting case,he is the youngest and probably the most talented.for me he is the most likely to make it between all 3 and the biggest potential too.He didn't play as much as the other two at higher level specially considering his last year injury.
I am a bit torn here,loan might be premature but staying might stagnate him,may be a loan to Segunda will be the best.
Alena,Ros,Xemi & new midfielder could be a solid rotation for Segunda B.Add another new signing with Carbonell & Paik promoted from Juvenil A.not bad and smooth changes IMO


New member
[tw]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Barcelona will sign Atletico Nacional centre back Davinson Sanchez (19) for the B-team. The Colombian player will cost 3,5-4M. [sport]</p>— barcastuff (@barcastuff) <a href="https://twitter.com/barcastuff/status/735802022230904832">26. Mai 2016</a></blockquote>[/tw]


Senior Member
We are spending some serious money on Barca B this year it seems

Edit:seem the deal is almost done and he is highly rated if we think he should train with 1st team.
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Senior Member
A question.. Can I watch somewhere B team? Because of work I only watch Barca's first team but I'd like to watch our young talents as well..


New member
Padilla, Chamorro, Huertas and Robert won't continue at Barça B next season. Good news that Chamorro will be released, makes room for Mujica and possibly Lee to hopefully continue developing. The former especially has shown some great stuff this season, Lee needs some more time in Juvenil A.


Senior Member
Official: Barcelona B goalkeeper Adrian Ortola (22), whose contract expired, has signed a renewal until 2019, plus option for extra year


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[tw]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="de"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Picture: Forward Ignacio Abeledo (20) joins Barcelona B on a three-year deal <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/fcblive?src=hash">#fcblive</a> [fcb] <a href="https://t.co/JG1oJir5me">pic.twitter.com/JG1oJir5me</a></p>— barcastuff (@barcastuff) <a href="https://twitter.com/barcastuff/status/739880446343942144">6. Juni 2016</a></blockquote>[/tw]


He confessed he made anti Messi tweets before but said "the club took care of it" or something along those lines. :lol: oh dear..

Anyone knows if this guy has potential for the first team or is this yet another Barça B signing?

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