Fernando Torres


Blue Blooded Aussie
Personally(can't speak for other Chelsea fans as I don't know a lot tbh), yeah, I'd welcome him with open arms, my only reservation about him is his recent injury problems. 35m+ and a good young player for a guy who may only be fit half a season? At the same time he could be very fit the whole time he's here, so it's a gamble.

But yeah, come on, taking Liverpool's best player from them just as they are getting out of a massive slump(and him returning to form)? Wonderful. :lol: And he's proven in the league which makes the price we'd pay for him a little more bearable. Still don't see him coming here though.


New member
There's crap flying around that you just bid 60m... doubt it's true because that sounds too outrageous even for you guys, and are you that desperate for a new striker to pay that much?


Blue Blooded Aussie
Nah that's bullshit, it's from the mirror which as far as I know has a lot of crap in it. Our biggest bid would be no more than 40m and Sturridge I believe, 45m if he's real desperate.


New member
Why would Liverpool want Sturridge though? He's a bit rubbish. I can't see Chelsea going over the £40m mark especially with Torres' injury record.

Also, I thought Torres said he'd never sign for an English club?


New member
He said all this crap about how Liverpool is his club and he loves living in the city and he wanted his daughter to grow up with a scouse accent, all that stuff with the armband back at Atletico, plus the fact that he didn't go to City over the summer when things were much worse for us. Now things are looking better - new owners, Dalglish, he's looking like his old self, finally got an awesome strike partner - and suddenly he wants to leave? Yeah he probably thought he'd be winning trophies with Liverpool as opposed to with Atletico, but still. You don't string your fans along for 3 1/2 years. It wouldn't even be that bad if he wanted to go to Italy or Spain, I could deal with that, but another English club (esp. one such as Chelsea)... no. And his first match for Chelsea would be against Liverpool, go figure.

idk I'm probably just pissed off and can't think straight but right now I can't get over it. I haven't been this down over a transfer since Xabi went to Madrid.


New member
Yeah I'm kind of shocked he's asked to leave right now. Liverpool seem to be getting back on track, the window ends in 3 days and they've just made a very exciting signing which shows the owners are ready to invest. Odd. Hope he stays because Drogba/Torres will just destroy every defence they're up against.

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