Franck Ribery


Nosce te ipsum
this one is done!


source: Guardian
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Blue Blooded Aussie
Man why the shit did we bid so much for him? Don't want him at the club, he wouldn't fit into our formation.


Improvin' Perfection!!
I can't believe they turned down 65+Bosingwa!!! Which is equal to 85-90 IMO... Bosingwa is one of the best in his position, coming behind just Maicon, Sergio Ramos & Dani Alves(!!! Really!?) No wonder they are struggling in their league with their main player no more interested in their achievements & them not even being able to cash in on him!!
Look at Lyon & have your lesson taught Bayern... They let their most priced asset in Benzema go & are prospering with the cash they got on him. They bought Cissokho, Bastos, Gomis & Lissandro Lopez. Lopez himself has more than replaced Benzema for them & the rest have been added bonus. With Bastos being in his prime and could well head to World Cup as starter for arguably the best team & Cissokho who's on his way to become the best in his position... Gomis is shit in my opinion though!! But what ever, they still are doing good in league standing just 1 point behind leaders & are group leaders in CL!!

el tren

Adolfo Valencia
A friend of mine (heavy Bayern supporter) told me, Beckenbauer apparently argued that they denied the deal b/c they wouldnt profit much from the 65M since they would have had to pay taxes on it. Thats the official statement. Its obv bullshit as they pumped like 80M into Gomez, Robben and certain other players this year w/out any noticeable income from transfers. I really doubt their turnover would be so gross that they would have to pay taxes even with the 65M.

And denying Bosingwa is a joke too, as the right FUllback position was one of the biggest holes in the squad last season. And they just cant get any better than Bosingwa (those 3 that Estell named would never go to Bayern).

So its actually one more example for the current mismanagement at Bayern, regarding squad management and player choice. Denying 65M for a player who very apparently (and it was apparent in the summer already) totally cba to play for the club anymore just doesnt work out. And they lost a shitload of money that way. I really dont see him going for more than 30M in the summer, with just one more year on his contract and w/out any performance this year.

Also note that his injury isnt a very critical one, he just chose to treat it conventionally instead of undergoing surgery or just play on with medics, which is the standard way for footballers. Thats why he is out for half a year now. And thats the reason why i just dont want to see him wearing blaugrana ever, that fucking egocentric merc ...


Improvin' Perfection!!
Yeah I was very sure they would accept that offer during summer because they openly pursuit for Bosingwa... Now they not only lost like 35million directly in cash but also a great defender. They've become shit... pure SHIT lately. Of all the money they spent on transfers during summer only Gomez seems to be settling in well & Robben, as much as he is a talent, has proven again that he's too injury-prone irrespective of the medical staff helping him out!! And what did they achieve by resisting all the lucrative offers!? A bench-warmer world-class player!!

And the manager confirmed that Ribery says that all he wants to happen is a move to Madrid although he'd remain content if Bayern insist against it!! Definitely don't want him wearing the Blaugrana!!!
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La Furia

Legion of Doooom
No it's not done yet however Ribery constant injuries is a concern for every club

I'm thinking the same thing, he's been seriously injured on and off for his entire time in Germany and I think he's turned into another Robben case. Definitely not worth how much he would cost IMO.


New member

Franck Ribéry has added weight to the belief that he will leave Bayern Munich at the end of the season by claiming the German club are not good enough to compete with Europe's biggest teams.

"Bayern is still a big club. It's one of the biggest in the world but I find that our team is not as strong as other teams, like Barcelona, Real Madrid, Manchester United, Chelsea," said the France winger, who has been heavily linked with a move to either England or Spain. "Maybe we will have trouble competing against these teams.

"I want to win trophies and to enjoy myself. I'm not 20 any more. I am closer to the end [of my career] than the beginning."

Speaking to RTL radio, the 26-year-old also admitted that he could be tempted to join up with France team-mate Thierry Henry at Barcelona.

"I get on really well with him and I know he would also like to see me there," Ribéry said. "I know a lot of people would like to see me stay [at Bayern]. Whether I stay or go it won't be an easy decision."


Momo un Bello Uomo
Ok lets stop all this nonsense and look at the realistic side of this..

Ribery's contract if not extended will expire in the summer of 2011 which means he will be sold in the summer of 2010. Meaning he'll get a transfer to a big club and there will be a bidding war between the richest therefore i don't think he's coming to us because he's not worth breaking the bank for. Instead we should concentrate on what we have and i personally prefer Silva how's less injury-prone than this guy, Liga adapted and younger.


immaculately conceived
Silva less injury prone?

He does understand that he is Henry's replacement, right? By the time he 'could' be at Barcelona, Henry is already parti.

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