Franck Ribery


Fireman Sam
And what kind of development he showed since then ?

I'm sorry, but Bojan's first season was better than his second or third. It's surely not the usual way of progressing or convincing the manager that he deserves to be a all season starter.

And I think it's not. I can't imagine what's possibly hapenning if Messi gets injured. God helps us then.

I agree, but thats only because Rikjaard started hhim more thhan pep has, dont deny it, he has a very good record of scoring when he starts, 1 in 2 or around that, Pep is not starting him enough for him to show his progression, Bojan starts >>> Bojan scores, so i dont find that point fair, if Bojan had played the games that Pedro has he would be at the same level if not higher.

is a horrible thought if Leo gets injured, his goals are carrying us atm, with Henry playing like he has all season, and Ibras recent form, we would be behind real if Messi wasnt playing. Henry needs a new start IMO, MLS probs, or maybe a small EPL team (Spurs, West Ham, Bolton etc)


New member
and why was bojan's first season so good? because we had NOBODY else! he had to play! he was thrust into a very high pressure situation because there were no other alternatives..and he got the job done! that's what i mean. you can't judge pedro/bojan now because when they come on the game is won or the squad is being rotated or what not. it doesn't matter if they fail, there are so many players ready to come in to bail them out. pedro and bojan have both shown that they have the quality to play in the first team on their own, but until you actually tell them that we NEED them to perform, we won't see the best from them. if we keep buying covers, then there will never be enough pressure for them to perform, which is not fair. we have to give them a chance, and i strongly believe they will be able to get the job done.

think about it, when messi first came into the scene, he was sharing the limelight with guily. then when guily left, did we sign a cover for the RW? no. if we did and had messi play behind them in the pecking order, then maybe we wouldn't be seeing the legend we have on our hands today. until we try pedro/bojan on the wings, we'll never know what can happen! this is the barca way, and more often than not, it works out for us!


Fireman Sam
and why was bojan's first season so good? because we had NOBODY else! he had to play! he was thrust into a very high pressure situation because there were no other alternatives..and he got the job done! that's what i mean. you can't judge pedro/bojan now because when they come on the game is won or the squad is being rotated or what not. it doesn't matter if they fail, there are so many players ready to come in to bail them out. pedro and bojan have both shown that they have the quality to play in the first team on their own, but until you actually tell them that we NEED them to perform, we won't see the best from them. if we keep buying covers, then there will never be enough pressure for them to perform, which is not fair. we have to give them a chance, and i strongly believe they will be able to get the job done.

think about it, when messi first came into the scene, he was sharing the limelight with guily. then when guily left, did we sign a cover for the RW? no. if we did and had messi play behind them in the pecking order, then maybe we wouldn't be seeing the legend we have on our hands today. until we try pedro/bojan on the wings, we'll never know what can happen! this is the barca way, and more often than not, it works out for us!

Well said, Totally agree!!


New member
At 19 Messi already looked like a phenomenon and one of the best players in the world. Mentioning him as an example here is not very right, IMO, when we are talking about Pedro and Bojan. Nothing in common between them.

and why was bojan's first season so good? because we had NOBODY else! he had to play! he was thrust into a very high pressure situation because there were no other alternatives..and he got the job done! that's what i mean.

Yes. And he was used as a "fox in the box", playing at his natural postion - as a striker. And I believe here we're discussing if he could get the job done as LW, which I totally don't support as an option. I'm one of the people who believe that Bojan is not a LW and he'll not shine at this position.


Fireman Sam
At 19 Messi already looked like a phenomenon and one of the best players in the world. Mentioning him as an example here is not very right, IMO, when we are talking about Pedro and Bojan. Nothing in common between them.

Yes. And he was used as a "fox in the box", playing at his natural postion - as a striker. And I believe here we're discussing if he could get the job done as LW, which I totally don't support as an option. I'm one of the people who believe that Bojan is not a LW and he'll not shine at this position.

agree that he is primarily a goalscorer, but when he has performed at LW he has done well, Tenerife for example, i know its just Tenerife, but 3 assists shows he is more than just a goalscorer,


Fireman Sam
was Ibra playing in that match? if he was Bojan did far more than Ibra was able to do...

and thats against JUST tenerife


The Right One ⇩
I think Bojan can cut it on the left. He has shown just about every time he has started on that side that he can cope. Personally i think he just needs more opportunities to start and once again he'l show what he's capable of. His crosses for example are suprisingly good.

Best example i can remember was a game last season. We had 4 people taking corners over the course of the game.
Xavi couldn't beat the first man
Iniesta couldn't beat the first man
Messi couldn't beat the first man
Then Bojan knocks in two corners by the six yard box.
He also provided a few nice assists with some sublime crosses over his limited playing time.

Don't write our little man off, he's shown nothing to suggest people should doubt his abilities when given the chance.


Fireman Sam
I think Bojan can cut it on the left. He has shown just about every time he has started on that side that he can cope. Personally i think he just needs more opportunities to start and once again he'l show what he's capable of. His crosses for example are suprisingly good.

Best example i can remember was a game last season. We had 4 people taking corners over the course of the game.
Xavi couldn't beat the first man
Iniesta couldn't beat the first man
Messi couldn't beat the first man
Then Bojan knocks in two corners by the six yard box.
He also provided a few nice assists with some sublime crosses over his limited playing time.

Don't write our little man off, he's shown nothing to suggest people should doubt his abilities when given the chance.

Well said, from Bojans latest Press conference it sounds as if he will get his chance, lets hope he takes it..

your from Dundee btw?
im from near Perth..


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Madrid based newspapers claim that Ribery snubbed Rosell and is only waiting for Madrid.

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