Frenkie de Jong

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Senior Member
Barcelona does not push out starting players unless 1) they want to leave or 2) they decline to a point where it becomes obvious they can't play at the level required anymore.

We sold Deco didn't we? I know he had problems with his behavior but if we sold him we can also sell Rakitic.


President of FC Barcelona
Barcelona does not push out starting players unless 1) they want to leave or 2) they decline to a point where it becomes obvious they can't play at the level required anymore.

No chance Rakitic gets pushed out of the club.

Well, that's a problem with Barca then.

They go out of their way to please the players and don't even get something back considering they pay higher wages than other clubs too.

We sold Deco didn't we? I know he had problems with his behavior but if we sold him we can also sell Rakitic.

Pep and Laporta(mostly Txiki) were more ruthless. Bartomeu is the other type. A cuck who goes around like a retard promising players a higher pay a year after they renewed their contract.

That's why Rakitic keep mentioning wanting a new contract. Because he said "The President" promised him one last year.


President of FC Barcelona
Not sure I even can blame Rakitic here as I would be pissed off too if I was promised a contract extension with higher pay even if I recently signed a new deal. Blame the idiot who made that promise to him.


Senior Member
We sold Deco didn't we? I know he had problems with his behavior but if we sold him we can also sell Rakitic.

Only because of Pep.

City had the same problem and Pep came in and told a bunch of those guys their time at the club was finished. Pep will take initiative and push out players if the club wont.

In the case of Deco and Ronaldinho, Pep had Laporta's 100% backing and and was willing to buy into Pep's vision. Same can be said for Eto'o, Ibr, Toure etc...

I get the feel that Barto backs EV 100% as well as if he didn't there would be a lot of friction with the way Coutinho and Malcom have been treated by EV (that's ~200m in transfers alone). But EV isn't the type of guy to make these tough decisions.

Neither was Lucho, he kept believing MSN would win him everything when it was clear that the midfield has huge problems.
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Senior Member
To be fair giving players who are over 30 a raise and extending their contract for 4 or 5 years is as stupid as it gets.


Well-known member
There's a few places suggesting De Jong to PSG is a done deal !

Massive money being quoted .

Can't be too ambitious if he's happy to waste a few years of a short career in the French league ...

Lutece FC

New member
It says Ajax too is better pleased with PSG offer in your tweet.

Basically, no transfer can be done if you can't please the selling club and the side of the player (agent and co.).

Also, i won't do any patronising but do you wonder why Ligue 1 is considered weak while France is the country that produces more top players than other european countries ?
It is because of money.
In france, you pay more taxes (that is why most french were going to England) and clubs have to go through DNCG requirement (financial body that controls your account and allows you to play professional football).
What spanish clubs did during all those decades wouldn't even be possible in France since we have the DNCG. Spanish clubs would have been retrograded to amateur level with the insane debts they had accumulated.
I know it is annoying now PSG has insane money thanks to their owners but spanish clubs and Barça have always been on the good side of the economic power side.

You have just to look. French football clubs ceased to be competitive with Bosman ruling since other countries could just outmuscle them financially. Money has always been at the core of the sport at professional level.
Complete and solid post. France suffered too much from money, and now has a clun which have the opportunity to spend. Other clubs are coming to spend more. Better academies will win. Maybe french talent will be able to stay in its country

France is still penalized by a huge taxation system when other leagues enjoy a soft taxation system (except Spain since this year)

Asking for equality and equity with Financial Fair Play, but the constraints are clearly not the same.

England Top league: Premier League

Example salary: £200,000-a-week

Top rate tax: 45%

Salary after tax: £106,206-a-week


Top league: Liga BBVA

Salary: £200,000-a-week

Top rate tax: 52%

Salary after tax: £96,000-a-week


Top league: Ligue 1

Salary: £200,000-a-week

Top rate tax: Zero + 13% employee social security

Salary after tax: £174,000-a-week


Top league: Ligue 1

Salary: £200,000-a-week

Top rate tax: 45%

Salary after tax: £110,000-a-week


Top league: Premier League

Salary: £200,000-a-week

Top rate tax: 13%

Salary after tax: £174,000-a-week


Top league: Bundesliga

Salary: £200,000-a-week

Top rate tax: 47.475%

Salary after tax: £105,050-a-week


Top league: Serie A

Salary: £200,000-a-week

Top rate tax: 46.29%

Salary after tax: £107,420-a-week

Arizona Scott

New member
The problem with Rabiot is that he fell out with club/country over money 3 times in his career already. That just oozes trouble in the future.

The guy is 23. + there is a good chance what has happened in the NT and club will motivate him to be better. I think in the age of huge fees and wages, a relatively low risk move. (Not without risks, but lower than most for a 23 year old with his level of footballing skills)

To back up the salary and bonus he has to become top 3 mid in the world or at least top 5, otherwise we'll pay top wages to goddamn squad players again. Where does it end?

No, with his salary and bonus he needs to be a top 15 type mid. Just look at Arturo Vidals total bill (wages and transfer fee), and he is over 30. Then go take a look what it took for Mahrez, what it will taker for Eriksen, etc.

Bartomeu and this board as well as Rosell's have spent the most money on players since 2010 behind Man City.

They're not in the position to complain about anything when half of the money they've spent was on average players.

Barca has been the best team those years. Maybe Bayern and Juv close in major trophies because of domestic dominance, but 1 CL win between them. Barca have had domestic dominance in a league with 3 great clubs and two CLs. I wouldn't trade the last 10 years of Barca (2009-present) for Real or anyone else's achievements.

So relatively to $ spent, Barca has done just fine. Now the Manchester clubs and PSG, different story.

The problem is nobody seems to know what we are doing with regard to De Jong. MD and Sport have been crickets about De Jong lately and we have known by now TV3 and RAC1 etc. were just trolling us. Nobody knows if we actually submitted an offer to Ajax and how much.

De Jong might wish to join us but if we are completely inactive and indecisive, he will go to PSG. Barca can’t land players by offering nothing concrete.

I am more and more inclined to think that the club does not see De Jong as a priority and must-have. To them getting Rabiot for free is probably the priority. They club is either short on money or they think someone else is a better fit than De Jong.

What is picked up in the media is going to be deliberately shared only used to manipulate the player or other clubs. For all we know PSG or an agent is behind a story line that De Jong is concerned about Rabiot coming to Barca.

These types of organizations are going to be top secrete in terms of what they offer. Again only an agent or other club might leak info to manipulate press/fans. In all honesty most of us should have no clue about what will really go down.

I don't think we'll be able to get a lot of money for Rakitic now. If the offer last summer was true then we missed out on a big chance.

He's a year older and PSG won't be in for him as they're moving on to younger targets.

I think Rakitic will be stubborn and stay even if the club will want to sell him.

Rakitic IMO would be wanted by more than half of the top 12 clubs in the world if shopped (exceptions would be Spurs b/c of wage structure and Liverpool b/c of transfer policy on older players). I think he would take a raise and play for another big club rather than stay at Barca at a lower wage. Remember his wage is 4th among Barca's midfielders (I am counting Coutinho as a midfielder because he was primary known as one), yes below Vidal's.


Well-known member
Barca has been the best team those years. Maybe Bayern and Juv close in major trophies because of domestic dominance, but 1 CL win between them. Barca have had domestic dominance in a league with 3 great clubs and two CLs. I wouldn't trade the last 10 years of Barca (2009-present) for Real or anyone else's achievements.


Rakitic IMO would be wanted by more than half of the top 12 clubs in the world if shopped (exceptions would be Spurs b/c of wage structure and Liverpool b/c of transfer policy on older players). I think he would take a raise and play for another big club rather than stay at Barca at a lower wage. Remember his wage is 4th among Barca's midfielders (I am counting Coutinho as a midfielder because he was primary known as one), yes below Vidal's.
Unless of course any of those teams had sent some scouts to watch him play over the last two seasons ....
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New member
You can't blame Frenkie for demaning certain things from Barca.
At PSG, he will be a starter 100% both in the league and in the CL, at Barca it is unclear especially and Abidal's story wasn't too impressive for Frenkie either.

So Abidal, make up your mind and tell Frenkie that he will be fighting with Arthur for a place besides Busquets. Vidal and Rabiot will be seen as back-up, there's plenty of games.


Active member
Barca has been the best team those years. Maybe Bayern and Juv close in major trophies because of domestic dominance, but 1 CL win between them. Barca have had domestic dominance in a league with 3 great clubs and two CLs. I wouldn't trade the last 10 years of Barca (2009-present) for Real or anyone else's achievements.

So relatively to $ spent, Barca has done just fine. Now the Manchester clubs and PSG, different story.

Barca hasn't been the best "team". What separated us from being a midtable team was one player. His name is Messi. Take him out and I doubt we were going to win anything, not even CDR!

Look what happened to Real when CR7 left them, and his influence doesn't remotely come close to Messi's influence on Barca.

Let us not kid ourselves, without Messi there is no Barca's winning any trophies. We had/have some good players such as Suarez and Neymar, maybe with a good coach we could have won few trophies, but that wasn't the case, we had/have average/below average coaches. It was all on one man's shoulder, without him, and this team would have been similar to the team under Gaspart.


New member
If he wants to come to Barcelona, like any other young player he needs to earn his spot.
We as a club wont or well shouldn't go around telling risk players they are guaranteed a spot, but they must earn it.

if de Jong is really a fan of this club and wants to be at arguably the greatest club or atleast top 2 club of the decade then he must accept what is offered to him.. or play with messi as he keeps saying
if he wants to earn more, and be guaranteed in a project club which might succeed then power to him but right now he isn't guaranteed a starter for us.

competition for our midfield is tough, and honestly if we miss out on frankie it's not that big of a blow.. with how Arthur is starting to grow into an important role, im sure in 2 years there will be a new flavor of the year that very well might be better than de jong

one thing Abidal should tell him is that if he rejects us now then he lost his chance to ever play for us again, especially given how hard it is to escape PSG's prison

Lutece FC

New member
If he wants to come to Barcelona, like any other young player he needs to earn his spot.
We as a club wont or well shouldn't go around telling risk players they are guaranteed a spot, but they must earn it.

if de Jong is really a fan of this club and wants to be at arguably the greatest club or atleast top 2 club of the decade then he must accept what is offered to him.. or play with messi as he keeps saying
if he wants to earn more, and be guaranteed in a project club which might succeed then power to him but right now he isn't guaranteed a starter for us.

competition for our midfield is tough, and honestly if we miss out on frankie it's not that big of a blow.. with how Arthur is starting to grow into an important role, im sure in 2 years there will be a new flavor of the year that very well might be better than de jong

one thing Abidal should tell him is that if he rejects us now then he lost his chance to ever play for us again, especially given how hard it is to escape PSG's prison
There is no such thing as fan or not fan.

Player careers are short. it's all about three things :
- Money (salary)
- Regular starter or not
- Trophies the club can win (competitivity)

That's it.

On two of those three things, Paris S.G. can guarantee more. In Paris he will be sure to be a regular starter, because of the important lacks in the midlefield. He will play with players such as Verratti, Thiago Silva, Marquinhos, Neymar, Mbappe, Di Maria, Draxler, Buffon and so on, in the msot beautiful city in the world. Not bad for a Prison.
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