Frenkie de Jong

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Senior Member
You're overreacting man. You're doing the same thing again. One one hand you say everybody has to pass to Messi, that we are unbalanced, and all, and on the other hand you actually blame players for not playing great under these conditions and arrive at the conclusion that they are shit. Yea, OK so De Jong is not some Xavi level midfielder who could order out this shit, but that doesn't make him shit.

Hmmm, can't you see how related A with B is. To play well, you need a well functioning team.

When we signed him in January, I was one of the rare who posted some flaws since majority were fighting who will write more praise about him.

At Ajax, he was flying in some matches (Real).
But he was a kid and teams didn't knew him too well so he had tons of space to run and do whstever he wants.

German teams marked him = he was a ghost.
Lately in NT team = he is meh.
Barca = cm, meh.
Pivot = meh.
Defender = meh.

So, at Ajax, it might be:
1. teams unfamiliar with him
2. a wonder season
3. a system player like guys from Atletico (Arda) who look like monsters at Atletico and like frauds in other teams

I still have some hopes about him.
But it's 50:50.
He could improve, but it also won't be a surprise if he'll end as Dembele/Griezz level of flop.

2 years ago he looked like the best midfielder in the world.
On a larger sample, he looks more like a random Italian midfield hardworker from 90s who is just running around and covering and isn't doing much in anything else.

Also, he is bad under 3 Barca coaches in a row.

You know the rule: if a player is bad under too many different coaches in a row, the most likely answer is: it's him, not them.
(No matter how average coaches are)
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Senior Member
When we signed him in January, I was one of the rare who posted some flaws since majority were fighting who will write more praise about him.

At Ajax, he was flying in some matches (Real).
But he was a kid and teams didn't knew him too well so he had tons of space to run and do whstever he wants.

German teams marked him = he was a ghost.
Lately in NT team = he is meh.
Barca = cm, meh.
Pivot = meh.
Defender = meh.

So, at Ajax, it might be:
1. teams unfamiliar with him
2. a wonder season
3. a system player like guys from Atletico (Arda) who look like monsters at Atletico and like frauds in other teams

I still have some hopes about him.
But it's 50:50.
He could improve, but it also won't be a surprise if he'll end as Dembele/Griezz level of flop.

2 years ago he looked like the best midfielder in the world.
On a larger sample, he looks more like a random Italian midfield hardworker from 90s who is just running around and covering and isn't doing much in anything else.

Also, he is bad under 3 Barca coaches in a row.

You know the rule: if a player is bad under too many different coaches in a row, the most likely answer is: it's him, not them.
(No matter how average coaches are)

But you know that in the right circumstances he is top class since he was pretty amazing for Ajax. So... it's more likely that he can't play as well here because we are in chaos in terms of structure, tactics, personnel etc. than him being a bad player. Wouldn't you agree?

He's bad (inconsistent would be a better word mind you) under different coaches because while the coaches are different many things stay the same, and you know this. At Ajax he was good because the team was well set, balanced, fast, ambitious, a number of things this washed-up early-in-rebuilding stage Barca team ain't.

He's probably not a generational talent, because if he was he should've shown more even in these bad conditions. But he's a quality player no doubt that will help us in the new team. That's pretty clear as well.
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New member
I still like him, but it?s pretty clear that his one real stand out attribute, like Arthur, is press resistance. Press him and he?ll dribble past you and look brilliant. Stand off however... his passing is poor, or at least he takes way too much time to make the decision to pass, and by then it?s too late.

Good stamina though, works hard; like I say, overall I still like him. Get the right kind of midfielder alongside him and I think (hope) he?ll be excellent. But he?s no lone saviour, that?s for sure. And incredibly unfair to ever expect him to be.


Senior Member
In other words, take De Jong, put him in Bayern, Liverpool, even PSG or City, and he'll play much better. You can't really expect superstar performances with nothing to support those demands. The player is heavily dependent on what's around him.

It's time fans get used to the new reality. We fucked up, players won't look very good consistently for a few years and we'll struggle to outplay most opponents except the very poor ones. We'll have the occasional superb game, followed every 4-5 games by a major fuck-up.

It doesn't mean every player is individually shit. Rebuilding will take time.
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New member
In other words, take De Jong, put him in Bayern, Liverpool, even PSG or City, and he'll play much better. You can't really expect superstar performances with nothing to support those demands. The player is heavily dependent on what's around him.

It's time fans get used to the new reality. We fucked up, players won't look very good consistently for a few years and we'll struggle to outplay most opponents except the very poor ones. We'll have the occasional superb game, followed every 4-5 games by a major fuck-up.

It doesn't mean every player is individually shit. Rebuilding will take time.

For sure. There?s definitely a good player in there somewhere, and I?m a better team it would be far more visible. But still, as an individual he needs to improve drastically. Particularly his passing/timing of the pass.


Well-known member
Put an average Joe in an above average team and he'll look decent. But he's showing almost no exceptional traits. From what we're seeing now, those few matches in which he shone for Ajax could've been a fluke.


Senior Member
De Jong has not been good enough but he has shown at Ajax and Netherlands what he can do.

It just seems like another case of Barca buying a player then playing him in team that is opposite of what he has excelled in elsewhere.

FDJ looks at his best when in teams with lots of movement and pace where team mates help stretch game and open gaps he doesnt suit slow football where he has to go and be the protagonist against teams allowed to get back in shape.

He should have been better but he is about only player for Barca than could legtimately see being world class in next few years in the correct set up. Maybe other youngsters will kick on but I still think the basis of team needs to be built on getting game based on the midfield and FDJ as best bet going forward.

Get Puig in and around him next few games and see how they gel. Get a focal point at CF so teams are not so comfortable sitting back and get more pace/movement into the side to stretch game.
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New member
Puig >>>> De Hype
Keep on saying this, the Dutch hypejob and Ter Stegen the two future Team Captain of Barca are but a bust


New member
In other words, take De Jong, put him in Bayern, Liverpool, even PSG or City, and he'll play much better. You can't really expect superstar performances with nothing to support those demands. The player is heavily dependent on what's around him.

It's time fans get used to the new reality. We fucked up, players won't look very good consistently for a few years and we'll struggle to outplay most opponents except the very poor ones. We'll have the occasional superb game, followed every 4-5 games by a major fuck-up.

It doesn't mean every player is individually shit. Rebuilding will take time.

This Dude and other De Jong fanboys can't stop making excuses for him :lol: But the excuses doesn't fit to other players they don't like, even Messi

I feel so vindicated. Where is the hype bandwagon now?

They're busy making excuses for De Hype
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te amo barca

Blaugrana al vent
Expectation: De Jong finds Messi in the "number 10" area with line-breaking passes.

Reality: Messi drops deep and De Jong vacates his spot by moving higher up the pitch. Messi's one-two fails and De Jong has to cover more ground to get back and he can't do it in time. Pjanic/Busi get outran with ease and the opponents have a dangerous chance. Rinse and repeat.


Senior Member
You're overreacting man. You're doing the same thing again. On one hand you say everybody has to pass to Messi, that we are unbalanced, and all, and on the other hand you actually blame players for not playing great under these conditions and arrive at the conclusion that they are shit. Yea, OK so De Jong is not some Xavi-level midfielder who could shine a light on this chaos, but that doesn't make him shit.

Hmmm, can't you see how related A with B is? To play well, you need a well functioning team.

Unbelievable how this argument is being used only when someone wants to defend a player he or she likes. So you are pissed about Messi but on the other hand De Jong is horrible because he doesn't have a well functioned team around him. In contrast, Messi is playing bad because he has declined and has a bad attitude. His displays have nothing to do with our dysfunctional team. :lol:

Expectation: De Jong finds Messi in the "number 10" area with line-breaking passes.

Reality: Messi drops deep and De Jong vacates his spot by moving higher up the pitch. Messi's one-two fails and De Jong has to cover more ground to get back and he can't do it in time. Pjanic/Busi get outran with ease and the opponents have a dangerous chance. Rinse and repeat.

Reality: De Jong, Pjanic and Busi can't create shit so Messi has to drop deep to get the ball. :lol:
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