Gerard Deulofeu


During training I suppose? :D He'll probably have a great time on the bench with Rafinha, Thiago and Montoya next season. They can enjoy Neymar & Cesc together.


Wild Man of Borneo
Minutes with the first team? Starting to doubt that now (aside from the preseason). If Thiago, Montoya, and Bartra can't get playing time bar the horrific injury crises we've faced, Deulofeu won't with the management drooling over Neymar.


Flair Trait
Minutes with the first team? Starting to doubt that now (aside from the preseason). If Thiago, Montoya, and Bartra can't get playing time bar the horrific injury crises we've faced, Deulofeu won't with the management drooling over Neymar.

A La Liga title is still a La Liga title no matter how many points you get, obviously the management prefers to win 100 points rather than to ensure a bright future.


New member
can imagine trio? " neymar-messi-deulofeu " but better deulofeu without mistakes, without selfishness. really can be amazing. but deulofeu should be more much better than now for this



Welcome to the first team Deulofeu, més que un banquillo!

But now seriously, I really hope he gets some minutes. Even if Villa leaves we will still have as many attackers as this year. Messi, Tello, Pedro, Alexis & Neymar. With Messi playing every game and Neymar being the new high profile star purchase that leaves 1 spot open for 4 players. Good luck.


Mike the Knife
Unless he really explodes in preseason, I really see a loan as the best option for him...Valencia or Racing?


New member
Had some great combinations with Luis Alberto, but it was obvious that it isn't his position. When he moved to the right or left in between actions, you could see he felt more comfortable there.


Wild Man of Borneo
Unless Villa, Alexis, AND Pedro get sold he will barely see any playing time. While it isn't favorable, loaning him might be the best option right now.

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