Gerard Deulofeu


He loved the club so much he left for money & playing time (whichever, doesn't matter. It's probably both). Then he signed a contract extension with Arsenal when Barcelona were seriously interested only to be bought 1 or 2 seasons afterwards for 35M.
Is this really the example of a loyal player who loved the club and wanted to fight for his spot? :lol:


New member
If Pep were the coach, I'd keep Deulo. But since Tito's the coach, loaning him out is the way to go.

It's not like Tito is sending him on loan against his will. Deulofou has looked at the situation himself and thinks it the best option for him considering the players that he has in front of him .


Wild Man of Borneo
If Pep were the coach, I'd keep Deulo. But since Tito's the coach, loaning him out is the way to go.

Now you're just purely antagonizing Tito. If Pep were here it'd be Neymar, Alexis, and Pedro for the main 3 rotation spots. Even considering that Pep does trust in youth more, Tello would be the next one in line to get playing time. Deulofeu would be rotting on the bench with either manager, a loan is the smart move.
It's not like Tito is sending him on loan against his will. Deulofou has looked at the situation himself and thinks it the best option for him considering the players that he has in front of him .

Not saying he is. Simply saying that since Tito isn't great with his management of the youngsters, sending him out on loan is the right choice.


Senior Member
Am I the only one who thinks He should stay and loan is just the wrong decision?
I mean every youth player that made an impact wasn't loaned (actually no one loaned and ever came here as better player,unless counting those who left the club when they were 16 and came half a decade after) ,Xavi,Iniesta,Messi,Busquets,Thiago,Tello ,all fought for their place ,all benefited from ttraining with & against the best every day .all started at the bench but gradually get their time ,Deulofeu isn't gonna be a starter right away or play in decisive CL match in his first season here,whether it is next season or the year after .so why are we loaning him?to be prepared for Liga? then what is the point of having a team in 2nd division if it isn't preparing a player like Deulofeu for Liga?
Kid is talented ,really really talented ,he deserve a spot and a chance to fight for playing time here .people act like we have a stacked front line,we don't ,Alexis and Pedro hasn't been playing well last year(2nd year in a row) ,Tello is good but he is way less talented that Deulofeu and then we have two better players in Messi a& Neymar ,5 players for 3 spots ,2 has been out of form(1 of them has been absolute failure since he arrived ) and another less talented youngster
don't really think it is that difficult for him ,hell won't be surprised if forced his way as a starter by the end of the season
lastly about Tito,he was in his first season ,he was ill half of it ,while he has done his fair share of mistakes regarding developing our young players I think we should give him benefit of the doubt ,it was his rookie year as a coach and with his health and him wanting to achieve early success might have lead him to try to take little risks with the rotation (which backfired at the end of the year)


Wild Man of Borneo
Your opinion of this loan is based off of the experience of other Barca players finding success without loans and previous loans failing. Those experiences don't necessarily prove that Deulofeu has to stay to develop or that the loan itself will fail. Think about the current situation and not past ones and you'd realize how great the loaning idea is for him. Deulofeu is a talented youngster with an extremely high ceiling but he isn't at the levels of Alexis, Pedro, etc. yet. He was great in Segunda but there is little chance of him coming into the first team and actually having a decent fighting chance for a spot. Odds are he wouldn't even get a game until November in the CDR. Even if he has much more potential and natural talent than some other players, he doesn't have seniority or coaches trust yet and no matter how good he is he probably wouldn't be able to force his way into the starting 11.

The point of having a team in the Segunda is for the purpose of preparing him, but he's outgrown it and Eusebio doesn't have much more to offer anyway. He needs to play continuous first division football to break his bad habits and really develop as a player. Going to Sevilla would be unbelievably helpful for that. He'll get consistent playing time under a coach like Unai Emery whereas at Barca he'd get maybe 4-5 appearances and most of the time end up watching the game from the stands with Bartra or JDS.


Senior Member
the loan policy was clearly stated when rosell was running for president, so its just a matter of fact cant fight it. but i agree that barca has had for as long as i can remember keep the development of their best talent in house and i didnt see a reason to change that, but it is what it is.

as it relates to how delou would have done under pep, pep has shown that the only untouchables in his team are xavi,iniesta,messi and puyol, so if delou was training well, i don't believe their is a pecking order that will keep that out, thats just a tito thing since he is not strong enough at this moment to just bench certain players.

if pep were here rafa,roberto and delou would all be in the team and if they were it means he simply didn't want them


New member
Just sell Pedro so that Delofeu can play more. he is more talented than pedro and tello, only him can reach the level our club demand. the trio messi, neymar and Delofeu would be awesome

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