Gerard Deulofeu


Active member
If IrishCule says what's true then it shouldn't take him long to get more minutes as a super sub and start during some league games.


Mike the Knife
He has played most of the second half against Spurs today. He nearly scored a great goal. He squeezed through a couple of players at the edge of the box but Lloris came out and saved his chip. He seems to be doing his share of defensive work as well.

He looked ok but barely got a touch really in 30 minutes of work...That one run into the box surprised everyone, including 4 or 5 Spurs defenders....I agree though, he did a fine job tracking back and nullifying any attack from his side

But I still think Everton was a mistake


Wild Man of Borneo
He had that one great dribble but other than that, not very involved. I disagree with those who say Everton was a good choice, he looks to be playing in a team that doesn't work as a unit, often mirroring Tello's style with a somewhat higher success rate which is the last thing I want to see from him. The loan was supposed to develop him into being a player who can connect better with his teammates, have a wider variety of options and abilities with the ball, and be consistent. I've seen very little of that and he's stuck in the cycle where he's not growing enough or performing well enough to get a starting position, but not getting enough chances or moments to show his best either.

Every time he plays it's the repetitive chain of 2/3 failed dribbles->one almost assist from a cross->few bad corners->one amazing dribble and then barely touching the ball other than those isolated occurences. I've yet to see him start utilizing his vision, flair, goalscoring ability, etc. because his team just looks completely clueless and scattered in movement and playing sequence. If he'd moved to a better club and went on the right path in his development, he'd be looking like the Barca version of a young CR. However right now, he's like a frustrated Tello 2.0


Everton, and Spurs also for that matter, were both shite. Creating almost nothing and both happy with the draw.

The Observer

New member
Martinez (coach Everton): "This is a very important time for Deulofeu. He has to understand that in modern football you have to work a lot."

Very good. If Martinez can get him to work hard, he'll be closer to the Barca first team.


Mike the Knife
Martinez also said he was thrilled & happy to have Deulofeu at his disposal and that it's natural that a young player coming to the Premiership requires a period of adjustment....Furthermore, that he is confident that Gerard will explode in January or February which supports my earlier theory that the Catalan coach knows he has a huge talent but is taking the long approach to his integration despite knowing how explosive he is...Martinez also said he was surprised that Deulofeu has adjusted to the pace of the Premiership quicker than anticipated and that original plan was to see him get more minutes by Jan/Feb which suggests he has not adjusted his development & minutes to reflect this rapid adaptation - odd


New member
Roberto Martinez (coach Everton): "Deulofeu wants to play more, but we know how important he'll be for the team in next 6-7 months." [catr]


New member
Roberto Martinez (coach Everton): "Deulofeu wants to play more, but we know how important he'll be for the team in next 6-7 months." [catr]

Yeah, I suppose someone needs to fetch the balls for training sessions, and warm that cold bench during the nasty British winter for the players getting subbed off.

Nah, in all seriousness I really do hope this has been his plan all along, but I must admit, I won't be surprised if Deulofeu is still getting splinters in his arse come summer.


Wild Man of Borneo
God Everton are so useless in attack, even if Deulofeu plays they are literally just a bunch of scattered individuals rather than a team.


New member
He's incredibly average tho. If he was as good as he was hyped to be we'd have a classic case of big fish in a small pond with an assist here and there or a goal.
rystal Palace who kept their first clean sheet of the season was too much for him to handle.


He still did not adjust to english football, he has skill and soon he will display it for all the england to see. I think from january he will start to explode at least i hope so.


President of FC Barcelona
He's incredibly average tho. If he was as good as he was hyped to be we'd have a classic case of big fish in a small pond with an assist here and there or a goal.
rystal Palace who kept their first clean sheet of the season was too much for him to handle.

Goal here an an assist there? Average? Based on erm... lets see.... some matches in EPL where he has mostly played in the last 20 or so minutes?

Deulo is a talent, not an established player and the sooner people realize that, the better it would be. He is 18 years of age and he is developing. Expecting him to fire up the EPL after just months after arriving there is expecting way too much of him.

People who overrate him to be the next Messi or so and people who write him off need to understand that. Luckily both of these groups are in minority.
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