Gerard Deulofeu


New member
deulo is perfect at everton.. after his injury he plays everytime more and more

if ha wasnt injured he would have played every game


New member
Oh, I read everything, and trust me, it didn't help your case.
Everton seemed like the right option back then for the board, obviously. It backfired as he had way less minutes than the club initially had anticipated. Do you honestly believe that there won't be any La Liga clubs out there, who'd be willing to take him on loan this summer?

You didn't understand what I meant it seems (which isn't a first for you ;) ).
Your question is useless, what I think doesn't matter. What I'm trying to say is very simple.

1- Our management which knows the guy decided to loan him.
2- Everton was interested and our management agreed.
3-he went there, WE think the loan isn't going very well
4- IF they want to loan him again then THEY have to FIND a club that would be WILLING to take him. - this isn't a given due to many different factors,
For a loan to work you need good synergy between all 4 parties involved, that's not always a given.
For every Rafinha you have a Derenthe.

Get it now?


New member
You didn't understand what I meant it seems (which isn't a first for you ;) ).
Your question is useless, what I think doesn't matter. What I'm trying to say is very simple.

1- Our management which knows the guy decided to loan him.
2- Everton was interested and our management agreed.
3-he went there, WE think the loan isn't going very well
4- IF they want to loan him again then THEY have to FIND a club that would be WILLING to take him. - this isn't a given due to many different factors,
For a loan to work you need good synergy between all 4 parties involved, that's not always a given.
For every Rafinha you have a Derenthe.

Get it now?

I quite well understood it, and disagreed with it - as I usually do. Because, well, you're usually full of crap.

As you obviously didn't get my point, I'll repeat:

1. We loaned him to Everton, hoping he'd have loads of minutes. He hasn't had loads of minutes.
2. Deulofeu is one of the high profile youngsters out there, meaning plenty of clubs should have shown an interest in him (oh my gosh, yes, I actually think we could've found a lower profile LL club, which would've suited him, and I think we can again this summer. Shocking, I know!)
3. Who's Derenthe?

Get it now?

EDIT: Oh, and in before you start raging that someone called a 21-22 year old a youngster in a random thread :lol:



Senior Member
Nice selective quoting.
Read everything I said: If they COULD loan him to another side in la liga WHICH WOULD be beneficial to him, they would have done it. It's not a matter of picking up the phone and calling X club to take our player and develop him for us.

You do realise that the Sevilla had an offer for him ,they said they tried to do everything to get him on loan but they couldn't due to _according to them_ the difference in the financial offer
Gerard will get plenty of offers from Liga clubs who can develop him


New member
You do realise that the Sevilla had an offer for him ,they said they tried to do everything to get him on loan but they couldn't due to _according to them_ the difference in the financial offer
Gerard will get plenty of offers from Liga clubs who can develop him

Nope I didn't know that - this is a good sign. If this is the case then great, that's all I was trying to get at: if we have other offers which are viable then let's give him another go.

@Trickykid the only way your reply relates to mine is it's use of bullet points, you're proving AGAIN that you didn't understand me since I agree with what you're saying.
PS: the only times I've been called full of crap are here and on the Ibra thread because, surprise surprise, I don't hold conventional views. Feel free to post dig :) .


New member

and deservedly so, Martínez should make it clear to him that playing like this is unacceptable. He never even looked for players to pass to, kept his eyes on the ball all the time and the only thing he did was dribble.

It's a shame cause he could do a lot better with hard work but I feel he is relying on his talent too much.


New member
He's had yet another shitty b level game. Then people will complain about him not getting a chance and whatnot. The mighty Mirallas overplays him yet again.


New member
and deservedly so, Martínez should make it clear to him that playing like this is unacceptable. He never even looked for players to pass to, kept his eyes on the ball all the time and the only thing he did was dribble.

It's a shame cause he could do a lot better with hard work but I feel he is relying on his talent too much.

You're being very harsh there. He put in some dangerous crosses that should have resulted in a goal.


New member
He's had yet another shitty b level game. Then people will complain about him not getting a chance and whatnot. The mighty Mirallas overplays him yet again.

How predictable. It must have really hurt you not to be able to stick the knife in on Monday as well.

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