Gerard Deulofeu


New member
How predictable. It must have really hurt you not to be able to stick the knife in on Monday as well.

Amazing. Did you even watch the game?

Every single person that criticise Gerard Deulofeu is teared appart by fanboys. Our guy isn't playing a well as we thought he would, wether it's him, the team, the manager or whatever it doesn't matter. I've watched enough football to know the ''you just wait until'' attitude doesn't cut it. Until he gives us a few months of consistant performances he's nothing more than a huge talent with lots of potential like many others throughout the footballing world.

Why can't you guys admit it, I do not know.


Senior Member
and deservedly so, Martínez should make it clear to him that playing like this is unacceptable. He never even looked for players to pass to, kept his eyes on the ball all the time and the only thing he did was dribble.

It's a shame cause he could do a lot better with hard work but I feel he is relying on his talent too much.

The media hyped him up a bit after the Newcastle game, maybe it went to his head a little bit.


New member
Hope he gets to make an impact, maybe a goal or even two but I'd rather Everton not win :p

Edit: one can now say that his loan has been a disaster - 5 games left, all of them crucial for Everton, don't think martinez will suddenly start believing in him but you never know.

Wether it's him, or the PL, or Martinez... who knows? - I wouldn''t draw too many conclusions from Deulofeu's Everton failure in terms of our loan policy: it worked very well for Rafinha for example. I think it was a mistake to send him to a high profile team, we should be aiming at relegation teams who don't have better options.

Knowing our board, wuldn't be surprised if they extend the loan xD
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New member
He started the last two games and will probably start the next one. Personally I would have played McGeady, Barkley and Deulofeu instead of Mirallas, Naismith and Osman but we won 3-0 so can't complain. In an interview he did, he said he's happy at Everton and although would have also liked more minutes he appreciates that the longer approach is working, although he also said Martinez would make a good Barca coach which I didn't like.

btw - Does anyone know how the transfer ban will effect him because the rumour is that he's owned by Barca B so he can't go back to Barca as he would still need to be transferred.


This doesn't effect him, because it's promoting a player from the reserves team to first team, not actually making a transfer deal with any other party.


btw - Does anyone know how the transfer ban will effect him because the rumour is that he's owned by Barca B so he can't go back to Barca as he would still need to be transferred.

Owned by Barca B? The fuck are you on about? He can come back this summer.

Anyways, as The Economist said, this loan has been quite catastrophic. I wouldn't call it a complete failure, as he is quite a bit more hardworking defensively than I've seen him, but everything else is the same ol' Deulofeu I've seen coming up the ranks. If he isn't deemed ready to play for us next season we should send him to Sevilla, where he will play in either the Europa league or the CL as a probable starter. Enough of this Everton garbage, they're just wasting our talent.


New member
I'm not sure how it works in Spain however Barca B might be owned by Barca but they aren't a reserve team in the same way as English teams have reserve teams. In England reserve teams play in reserve leagues, Barca B play in a proper league just a lower division. So does anyone actually know for sure?


I'm not sure how it works in Spain however Barca B might be owned by Barca but they aren't a reserve team in the same way as English teams have reserve teams. In England reserve teams play in reserve leagues, Barca B play in a proper league just a lower division. So does anyone actually know for sure?

Everyone knows for sure but you, it seems.

Barca B is not owned by Barca, it IS Barca. We can, at any point, use players playing for Barca B (And even our youth teams) with the first team, and we do this, quite often. Messi, Bojan, Bartra, Thiago, Roberto, etc have all done this. On a similar note, we could let Messi and Iniesta play for Barca B, however humorous that would be. We don't have to open our checkbook to Barca B to convince them to let us use their players because they're already ours. I guess a simpler way of saying this would be to say Barca B and Barcelona are one entity.

Deulofeu can return. He is not owned by the B team (That we own), he is owned by Barca.


On a similar note, we could let Messi and Iniesta play for Barca B, however humorous that would be. We don't have to open our checkbook to Barca B to convince them to let us use their players because they're already ours. I guess a simpler way of saying this would be to say Barca B and Barcelona are one entity.

Yeah, no.

Players 25 and over need to be registered exactly where they'll be playing. Also players... I want to say between eligibility for pro-contract and 25, are limited to 5 appearances (not counting UEFA's competitions) for half a season, before they have to be registered for the first team. And once registered in the first team, there's no going back until next transfer window.

Everyone knows that.


Yeah, no.

Players 25 and over need to be registered exactly where they'll be playing. Also players... I want to say between eligibility for pro-contract and 25, are limited to 5 appearances (not counting UEFA's competitions) for half a season, before they have to be registered for the first team. And once registered in the first team, there's no going back until next transfer window.

Everyone knows that.

My mistake, I wasn't thinking.


Mike the Knife
Never, IMHO, a good reason not to give Deulofeu more minutes for Everton, even if they played well yesterday without him...Haven't seen the match yet but hope to watch it tonight

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