Gerard Deulofeu


New member
I felt sorry for both him and sergi roberto, because it looked like they were going in to play, but then we conceded that second goal, I hope we can wrap up the league next weekend, so that we can let the youngsters play a bit more.


Hi, its me..
was a shame he didnt get to play :( ive never seen him before.

should have probably brought him on earlier, because i think milito got injured around the 75th minute?

wouldnt have been much of a run out.

but theres still a few games left :dance:


New member
The lad must be feeling really disappointed right now... At the situation, not at Pep nor anyone else.

Hopefully he gets a good amount of minutes after we seal La Liga.


The tv was always closing on him, the commentators here were talking about him a lot.


New member
I've been hearing about him for ages. Years ago he was linked with Liverpool, Chelsea etc but he always decided to stay. He looks that he's going to be a great player he's similar to Cryuff with Ronaldo's personality (duh).All i Hope is that he won't end up like Gai Assulin.


New member
It's sad that he didn't play, but look at it at the brighter side - don't you think it would be better to see his debut at Camp Nou? :D

Anyway, I have to say that just seeing him there was a great feeling.


New member
this kid has only just turned 17 years old...

the fact that Pep feels comfortable naming him on our first team bench is very exciting indeed...

he really could be something special...

only time will tell i guess...


Mike the Knife
It was going to happen sooner than later, I think...Namely because pursuit of him from the Premiership clubs were going to intensify...and without any first team sniffs, can't imagine he'd continue to rebuff advances for too long

He could really turn out to be something

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