Gerard Deulofeu


Most assists of any Sevilla player.


But..But he doesn't pass...

Anyway I think most of them are set piece assists. If not then actually it is some improvement. But I saw in some recent match he was subbed in and he was the same old deulofeu, refusing to pass.


Senior Member
Loaning players out has never been successful for us so it's really beyond me why or how anyone could expect this to somehow improve him and get him ready for the team. Even with the minimal minutes Rafinha has received this season he has made noticeable improvements to his game and the very same could happen for Deulofeu if given the opportunity to rub shoulders with players who can actually receive a pass without miscontrolling it for a goal kick as his teammates have done several times today alone.

1. someone could say, the same as for loans, that 10s of our players were ruined because they waited too long in Barca, and if they went on a loan, maybe they would turn out differently (Bojan, Gio Dos Santos, Gai Assulin, Jonathan Dos Santos, Cuenca, Tello...)
= they were all here long enough, and they all failed

So maybe, the loans aren't "guilty". Those players just weren't good enough for Barca from this or that reason.

It is funny to read this "bad teams for Deulofeu" (Everton and Sevilla) excuse.
I wonder what excuse you and other will offer in the next Season when he will be equally poor in Barca or in some 3rd club with his 3rd loan spell.

Most of the young gems never turn into Barca material players.
Deal with it.

Bad loans, bad coaches of B-team and similar can't be guilty for everything.
People are extremely overrating our youth players. That's it.

(I mean, some guys seriously posted the question whether Adama can win Ballon'D'Or one day, lol).
That tells you enough.


Senior Member
1. someone could say, the same as for loans, that 10s of our players were ruined because they waited too long in Barca, and if they went on a loan, maybe they would turn out differently (Bojan, Gio Dos Santos, Gai Assulin, Jonathan Dos Santos, Cuenca, Tello...)
= they were all here long enough, and they all failed

So maybe, the loans aren't "guilty". Those players just weren't good enough for Barca from this or that reason.

It is funny to read this "bad teams for Deulofeu" (Everton and Sevilla) excuse.
I wonder what excuse you and other will offer in the next Season when he will be equally poor in Barca or in some 3rd club with his 3rd loan spell.

Most of the young gems never turn into Barca material players.
Deal with it.

Bad loans, bad coaches of B-team and similar can't be guilty for everything.
People are extremely overrating our youth players. That's it.

(I mean, some guys seriously posted the question whether Adama can win Ballon'D'Or one day, lol).
That tells you enough.

This is just one of the worst examples you ever made,Gai and GDS both left the club at the age of 19 due to bad attitude ,when should we have loaned them lol ,Cuenca was loaned twice,same with Bojan ,JDS was a player we were stuck with due to his bad contract,we tried to loan him many times,he wasn't highly rated any way. Tello is loaned now by the way ,though he should have left earlier
Nobody has ever suggested that not loaning player has destroyed his career at Barca .I really never remember that and it seems like a fictional hypothesis
Yes ,we overrates many of our La Masia talent for sure .but even the best most hardworking talents need good circumstances to help them .in the past few years we have never helped our talents in the right way
I've said it b4 in the Odergaard thread,RM right now might have inferior academy but they know what to do with the young gems they have ,who to loan like Casamero,keep like Jese/Varane ,or sell with buyback option like Carvajal/Moratta
they knew which club is suitable for those player and the best way to develop in the early stage as senior player .on contrary our board makes random decisions ,loan players on random basis not with a good sporting vision
Argue all what you want about how our prospect sucks ,but you can't deny we don't have the board who can actually get the best of them


Senior Member
I've said it b4 in the Odergaard thread,RM right now might have inferior academy but they know what to do with the young gems they have ,who to loan like Casamero,keep like Jese/Varane ,or sell with buyback option like Carvajal/Moratta
they knew which club is suitable for those player and the best way to develop in the early stage as senior player .on contrary our board makes random decisions ,loan players on random basis not with a good sporting vision
Argue all what you want about how our prospect sucks ,but you can't deny we don't have the board who can actually get the best of them

Ok, my bad about some of those players.

Anyway, whom would you loan Deulofeu, for example, in his 1st spell and now in the 2nd spell?
What teams are willing to take him and play him regularly?
Plus, is he willing to go anywhere, since both Everton and Sevilla are bigger clubs, maybe Deulofeu wanted to go to some "bigger" teams?
Maybe he thinks that he is too good to play in some weaker team where he would probably learn more?

(I have no idea what is in his head, or what teams wanted to loan him, just a though)

Further, for example, Halilovic is a similar example next Season.
What would you do?
1. keep him in the 2nd team?
2. keep him with the 1st team where he probably won't play too much, even with our transferban (He is not ready for 1st team football, you will see that soon)
3. loan him (if the answer is yes, where would you loan him? In some Spanish or in some foreign team? Further, in some bigger or smaller team?)
4. would you sell him with a buy back option? (again where? Spanish or a foreign team? Smaller team where he will play, but where he be unhappy because he thinks that he is too good for that club, or to some bigger club where he might struggle and slow down his development?)


Senior Member
Ok, my bad about some of those players.

Anyway, whom would you loan Deulofeu, for example, in his 1st spell and now in the 2nd spell?
What teams are willing to take him and play him regularly?
Plus, is he willing to go anywhere, since both Everton and Sevilla are bigger clubs, maybe Deulofeu wanted to go to some "bigger" teams?
Maybe he thinks that he is too good to play in some weaker team where he would probably learn more?

(I have no idea what is in his head, or what teams wanted to loan him, just a though)

Further, for example, Halilovic is a similar example next Season.
What would you do?
1. keep him in the 2nd team?
2. keep him with the 1st team where he probably won't play too much, even with our transferban (He is not ready for 1st team football, you will see that soon)
3. loan him (if the answer is yes, where would you loan him? In some Spanish or in some foreign team? Further, in some bigger or smaller team?)
4. would you sell him with a buy back option? (again where? Spanish or a foreign team? Smaller team where he will play, but where he be unhappy because he thinks that he is too good for that club, or to some bigger club where he might struggle and slow down his development?)

I don't have the answer for those question ,there is a reason I am fan on internet forum not being a sporting director somewhere ;),there is those who are earning a lot to make those decisions ,whom we can judge their success
I know Halilovic isn't ready for our 1st team football at least as it stands now,my personal opinion he might need 1 more season with B team unless they get relegated .things can obviously change by the end of the season .he shows signs of development ,tracks back ,becoming more willing passer than he 1st came here and he might have breakout in 2nd half of the season.but my personal guess he needs more time with B team

As for Gerard ,there is nothing suggesting he isn't willing to develop ,he never came out and complained about his playing time in Everton or Sevilla ,he didn't complained about being loaned eventhough both times it was the club choice and he agreed to our choice even if it was surprising to him ,he speaks highly about Everton and Martinez even after he left them

The only time he said "no" was to stay in the B team ,and that is something I can agree with him,he was dominant in Segunda ,was their top scorer before being called more often with 1st team and was best player their .he had no more learning there
Gerard look like a cocky character, a bit selfish but he never showed he is a bad teammate or unwilling to do what the Barca board are telling him to do
We have overrated him no doubt ,but let's be honest ,the board overrated him too ,throwing him at the age of 19 into new league in a club who was actually too good for him to be starter right away and competing for CL spot
God only knows if he make it here or not,but I think his career development could have been better with better decisions

Let me put it this way,few years ago we were producing tons of talent (between 2005-2009) who helped 1st team tremendously , there was also overrated prospects by the fans ,Marc Valiente/Crosas etc .you know overrated prospects was here long ago actually
now we are producing the same overrated talents but we aren't producing the 1st team players we used said b4 we was lucky to have such generations but this can't be just luck,it is a systemic success .now something in our system /organization isn't working as it is used to be


Senior Member
I don't have the answer for those question ,there is a reason I am fan on internet forum not being a sporting director somewhere ;),there is those who are earning a lot to make those decisions ,whom we can judge their success

But, you see, other users are "smart" today, and NOW, they have replies: "This or that was wrong, we should have done XX"
It is the same like when someone comes after the match and says: "We should have played Rakitic, and not Iniesta."
It is easy to be "smart" after something is already done.

In that sense, I am asking (not you in particular), but other users (Zangash, for example) who said that we shouldn't have loaned him.
So, now we have Halilovic, my question is: "What would you do with him in order to get the best out of him?"
=> so, some users say that we shouldn't loan him. My opinion is that we will surely ruin Halilovic, for example, if he stays with the 1st team in the next Season.

Also, about loans, when the loan is finished, people can give 1000s of excuses why the player hasn't developed too much:
1. he went to a foreign league (Everton), that was a mistake
= he should have played in our country, Spain, to learn to play in our La Liga
2. he went to a too strong team (Sevilla), and he can't get enough of minutes there. It was a mistake
= he should have picked a weaker team
3. but then, if he picks a weaker team and if that team plays a crap football or defensive football, people will again reply:
= his teammates were too poor in that team, and he couldn't improve/show anything
=> he should have gone to some stronger team

So, basically, after reading this forum and excuses from our fans why some of our gems didn't make it, it seems that we need a loan of this type:
1. a Spanish La liga team
2. a team shouldn't be too strong, because our player won't play too much
-- but a team shouldn't be too weak, because he won't be able to develop in that team
3. further, that team should have a style similar to Barcelona
-- if you pick a team who plays long balls or counterattacks, our players won't fit there because they are trained to play in a possession-tiki-taka-shortpassing team

So, in that sense, basically, there are only 2-3 midtable teams in Spain who would fit this profile.
Plus, teams like Ajax or some Portuguese teams who plays similarly to Barca.
-- basically, those are the only teams where we could loan our players, to avoid these excuses from our forum that always SOMEONE ELSE is guilty because a young gem didn't make it

but we aren't producing the 1st team players we used said b4 we was lucky to have such generations but this can't be just luck,it is a systemic success .now something in our system /organization isn't working as it is used to be

There are 2 options:
1. our system is guilty because we don't have as many talents as in 2006-2010
2. the other option is that our youth academy ALWAYS worked the same as today, and that years 2006-2010 were the luckiest years in Barca's but also in world's football history (in the last 25 years only Man.Utd team from late 90s and Barca from 2006-2010 had that many talents from their own youth academy)
-- so, imo, what you see today is just a usual/normal thing
-- Barca's school worked the same as today for 50 or 100 years
-- 2006-2010 generation was the best ever Barca's La Masia generation in 100 years of our history

In the end:
1. we can blame the board, loans, Eusebio and everyone
2. or we will realize over time, with a new board, new coaches, new loans, 100s of new players that the current situation is just a normal thing
Those lucky generation was an extreme luck.

Imo, people who believe that we will ever repeat such a generation like in those days are living in a delusion.
Just look at people's post.
They can't accept that those players just aren't good enough.
They always blame someone else:
1. the board
2. Eusebio
3. wrong loans, lol
4. Lucho not giving chances to awesome Deulofeu, lol etc

Anyway, I hope that we will be friends and fans here even in 2-3-5-10 years, so we will together make some stats and everything about our youth players.
Already in the next season we will get some answers whether new guys (Adama, Halilovic, Munir, Sandro, Samper, Deulofeu) are something special, or equally average players as 100s of others.
A year after that, new 2-3-5 players will come.
A year after that, we will have a new "best generation ever"

Anyway, let's see how will they develop and whether things will change with a new board/new coaches/new loans etc
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Senior Member
Anyway I think most of them are set piece assists. If not then actually it is some improvement. But I saw in some recent match he was subbed in and he was the same old deulofeu, refusing to pass.
That is true from what i've seen, though his corners and longish crosses from set piecesand from open play are a great asset. They create havoc in the penalty box even if they aren't pin pointed right on the head of a teammate. The swerve and power he makes these crosses with is incredible. Din't know he has this feat so developed until this season, when i started to watch Sevilla matches just for him and Suarez. Even Messi's crosses are not that dangerous in comparison. Then again, it could be written down to the fact that Sevilla has more dangerous aerial threats in their team, but never the less his deliveries are surely above Xavi's lazy floaty balls.

As for passing, he sure is making more passing the previously. Lot's of great through balls and all in all, less selfish in possession, but yeah, he still has that urge to take on defenders with his trickery. When it works, it's gorgeous, bet when not, team mates get angry i guess. Can't blame him though for wanting to express his flair once in a while. His problem is not releasing the ball in the right moment. Sometime it's apparent that he wants to make a good pass, but hesitates too long, wants to get in even more comfortable position and often looses the ball because of that. Inexperience.


New member
2. the other option is that our youth academy ALWAYS worked the same as today, and that years 2006-2010 were the luckiest years in Barca's but also in world's football history (in the last 25 years only Man.Utd team from late 90s and Barca from 2006-2010 had that many talents from their own youth academy)
-- so, imo, what you see today is just a usual/normal thing
-- Barca's school worked the same as today for 50 or 100 years
-- 2006-2010 generation was the best ever Barca's La Masia generation in 100 years of our history

This is true. Despite popular belief Barcelona wasn't really known to be club with homegrown stars before Xavi/Messi/Iniesta. We always bought our stars - Koeman, Laudrup, Cruyff, Maradonna, Stoichkov, all those brazilians and dutch... We had some homegrown players but they were all role players not super stars. On the other hand I believe club now realized how useful can the top notch academy be and they are concentrating much more on developing La Massia talent, than in 90ties (for example) so I expect that there will be some good homegrown players, just not top like Messi and co.


New member
I would agree that Barcelona was really fortunate to have this many Canteranos (homegrown players) stars in this generation. However, there has been always great youth players before.

Salvador Sadurní, José Vicente Sánchez, José Lobo Carrasco, Ramón Calderé, Rojo, Padraza, Mortalla, Estella, Carles Rexach, Antonio Olmo, and many more from 1960s to 1980s.
Also, Guillermo Amor, Albert Ferrer, Sergi Barjuán, Pep Guardiola etc. from Johan Cruyff's dream team.

La Masia has been significantly improved by legends like Oriol Tort, Laureano Ruiz, and Johan Cruyff. However, this Barcelona club never underestimated the importance of youth system. Barcelona always invested large amounts of money in the development of young players since 1960s.


I am watching the game. Was marked by three defenders and chipped it over all of them so Bacca could score an easy 1v1 with the keeper. It was a really, really nice assist, actually.

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