Gerard Deulofeu


New member
I could only count to three balls he throw away? One of them is a cross into the felt, hidding no-one and then he catchets it. The next is were he gets the ball from the opponents himself, close to the goal, and tried to drible the last man so he can have a nice shot. The last is just a bad cross...

But be fair to him, he's only 17 y.o.


Staff member
Well done by him, I liked his attitude on the pitch and he wasn't bad at all offensively

I'm happy he didn't score, it could have gotten to his head

Hm. Strange that you mention his attitude as that's exactly what I didn't like. Yes, you could see that the talent is there but he also looked somewhat careless and did manage to get in a squabble.
He is still very young but he needs to learn that humility and hard work is what gets you in 1st team. We had more talented youngsters than him in recent years that lost it due to their attitude.


New member
He has time on his side which is big bonus and his age can be difficult to curb his attitude a bit. Winning the ball back as a forward is just about mandatory these days as a Barca forward as is the hard work etc. This comes first then talent second. Good thing is the hard work can be drilled in if his attitude changes but talent you either have or you dont - which he does!


Mr. Japes
I still have little to no hope of him making at Barca but it's good to see him getting some minutes. Hopefully Pep uses the B teamers more this season.


Active member


Mr. Japes
It's not something I can really quantify. He just seems like a dick :lol: He's a great talent, no question, but he seems the sort that will just fade away in a few years.

I don't think he's a next level talent like Rafinha, Grimaldo, etc.


Active member
If he was in other academy he would have big problems with his behaviour but thankfully he is from La Masia
he is bigger talent than Grimaldo or Rafinha or Samper but it´s his attitude that needs to be polished...I think and I believe if Guardiola is still there in next 3 years he will handle him


Senior Member
So true about Grimaldo.

Rafa is arguably a better talent that Deulolfeu, he certainly at this point in time is a more mature talent, who could be contributing pure awesomeness in a season or two for the first team.

Deulofeu doesn't even know which side his the best for him to play on or should i say the coaches, he is a lot more dangerous on the right has a been all round game their, while he lacks the cutting edge on the left, but his more effective, he has a lot of work to do to turn the talent into something really specially at the top level.


and the likes have a lot less work to do to transition to the highest level.

Girmaldo for me is the real pearl.


Mr. Japes
You think Dongou could genuinely make it at Barca? I know he's tearing it up at his level now, but how many other African strikers have done that...

I hope Grimaldo means we don't need to buy a LB :D


Senior Member
Dongou is different from all those other strikers his game his much more complete, will really see what he is made of when he plays for barca b next season, but everything looks good so far.

i am not sure he will necessarily make it a barca has he is a more traditional 9, but i am positive he will make it somewhere at the highest level


New member
Deulofeu has disappointed me. On the hand, Rafa is doing better than I expected. Grimaldo is already a star, if he doesn't make it, God does not exist.

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