Gerard Piqué


Hans Landa

lmao...trying to discredit pique :lol: he is clearly a top 5 CB in the world

and yes ronaldo has failed epically every time he has played barca so messi is in fact better than him

top 5 my ass.

i know messi is better than ronaldo. but aside form him no one else is.


Yusuf Islam
ok genius....list who is better than pique

also xavi is better than ronaldo and messi so yet another player who is better than ronaldo


Senior member

I'm sorry. While you have an argument for the first four (though there are plenty of arguments against them too), VERMAELEN?!!!??? He's a good defender, but there's a reason entire BLOGS have been dedicated to his disastrous positional sense. And i'm no anti-Vermaelen, that's for sure. But he will never, ever, ever be near Gerard Pique.


Yusuf Islam

:lol: lmfao vermaelen :lol: another EPL fanboy
while u can state at the best a case for fedinand and vidic terry and carvalho are just absolutely hilarious. if carvalho was so great that chelski would not have gotten rid of him for penuts and terry is a good CB but not an elite one


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Vermaleen. The guy has the positional sense of a blind chimpanzee.

Imo Pique's the best CB in the world, last year it was Lucio but that was down to Mourinho's tactical ability more than anything, on natural talent, its Pique.


Senior Member
I never understood what the huge hurrah was for Ferdinand and Vidic. It's as if a TV commentator said they were something special and everyone started believing it. They are great CBs and amongst the best, but I really dont see what makes them so special. They both have great positional sense and are solid in any dead ball situation. Great defenders, but that's it. Neither of them have significant passing abilities and they are pretty slow.

As for Terry, he's similar with even less skill. He was a bit faster than them when he was younger but he had that knack for being in the right place at the right time like Puyol. I'd prefer him to Ferdinand but not Vidic.

Carvalho is a great CB. Had pretty good speed when he was younger but he's an all around solid player with decent passing ability too.

Vermaelen is still pretty young with a lot of great qualities. However his positional awareness, like many of you said, is absolutely terrible. His passing, attacking, defending ability and 1 vs 1 ability are great however. He'll never be amongst the best tho until he works on his positioning.

There is a reason why most of the defenders you mentioned played in the EPL for most of their careers. Great at defending, maybe leading also, but not much else.

Who is better? Pique and Thiago Silva are the best defenders in the world at the moment if you ask me. They are both still young and extremely well rounded.
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I never understood what the huge hurrah was for Ferdinand and Vidic. It's as if a TV commentator said they were something special and everyone started believing it. They are great CBs and amongst the best, but I really dont see what makes them so special. They both have great positional sense and are solid in any dead ball situation. Great defenders, but that's it. Neither of them have significant passing abilities and they are pretty slow.

As for Terry, he's similar with even less skill. He was a bit faster than them when he was younger but he had that knack for being in the right place at the right time like Puyol. I'd prefer him to Ferdinand but not Vidic.

Carvalho is a great CB. Had pretty good speed when he was younger but he's an all around solid player with decent passing ability too.

Vermaelen is still pretty young with a lot of great qualities. However his positional awareness, like many of you said, is absolutely terrible. His passing, attacking, defending ability and 1 vs 1 ability are great however. He'll never be amongst the best tho until he works on his positioning.

There is a reason why most of the defenders you mentioned played in the EPL for most of their careers. Great at defending, maybe leading also, but not much else.

Who is better? Pique and Thiago Silva are the best defenders in the world at the moment if you ask me. They are both still young and extremely well rounded.

This is called: 'English Propaganda'.


The Troll Hunter
He's not.

Pique isn't better than Vidic. Please take your Barca glasses off.

I never understood what the huge hurrah was for Ferdinand and Vidic. It's as if a TV commentator said they were something special and everyone started believing it. They are great CBs and amongst the best, but I really dont see what makes them so special. They both have great positional sense and are solid in any dead ball situation. Great defenders, but that's it. Neither of them have significant passing abilities and they are pretty slow.

As for Terry, he's similar with even less skill. He was a bit faster than them when he was younger but he had that knack for being in the right place at the right time like Puyol. I'd prefer him to Ferdinand but not Vidic.

Carvalho is a great CB. Had pretty good speed when he was younger but he's an all around solid player with decent passing ability too.

Vermaelen is still pretty young with a lot of great qualities. However his positional awareness, like many of you said, is absolutely terrible. His passing, attacking, defending ability and 1 vs 1 ability are great however. He'll never be amongst the best tho until he works on his positioning.

There is a reason why most of the defenders you mentioned played in the EPL for most of their careers. Great at defending, maybe leading also, but not much else.

Who is better? Pique and Thiago Silva are the best defenders in the world at the moment if you ask me. They are both still young and extremely well rounded.

Typical American.. Hates England.. So you hate the players that play in the PL. USA, USA, USA! Lol..

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Vermaleen. The guy has the positional sense of a blind chimpanzee.

Imo Pique's the best CB in the world, last year it was Lucio but that was down to Mourinho's tactical ability more than anything, on natural talent, its Pique.

Jonny Evans kept Pique out. What does that tell you? Lol. HE'S SO MIGHTY! He's the best in the world.

where do these EPL trolls come from?

We come from Mars.


Perhaps I should not feed the troll but..... I don't see what the big deal is about EPL defenders. Why does one automatically assume they're better than everyone else.

Terry? Showing his weaknesses now that his stronger CB partner (Carvalho) is gone. Slow and rather poor at defending set-pieces anyway. Ferdinand? Was quite good a few years ago, but showing his age. Vidic is good, yes, and the one off that list I actually rate as 'very good'. Vermaelen? As stated, poor positional sense.

I'd rate Walter Samuel, Lucio, Vidic, Chiellini, Silva, Carvalho, Pepe, and Nesta as probably the best currently playing for clubs other than Barcelona. Pique and Puyol are IMO probably the strongest CB pairing right now at bot club and NT level. Pique is very, very good, though his positioning at times could improve (this will come with experience).

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